Gilson Roto-Tiller Parts
The Gilson Snowblower Shop

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Supporting Gilson Equipment Owners Since 2001

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Parts Lists & Manuals
Gilson Garden Rotary Roto Tillers, built in Plymouth, Wisconsin are legendary. Their worm drives were dubbed the "Iron Heart" for their durability. Many of the commonly needed repair items are still available through this Website. We offer; bronze worm wheels (commonly called worm gears), oil seals, felt seals, gaskets, bearings, idlers, bushings, washers, spacers, retaining rings, belts, parts lists, owners manuals, and service manuals. Many items on this page have been discontinued as factory parts items but we have had them reproduced or alternately sourced based on accumulated samples and data from other sources. The reproduced parts are available exclusively on this site. We ship worldwide and have been supporting Gilson owners since 2001. Gilson Brothers built millions of tillers for many brands and under over 60 trade names that were widely sold in the U.S, Canada and Europe. Brand names in addition to Gilson included; Aldens, Allis, Ancer, Anderson, Bolens, Brave, Burns, Cadet, Cherokee, Chief, Clark, Cone, Corporal, Davis, Dayton, E.J. Smith, Eaton, Expert, FMC, Ford, Gamble, Garden Mark, Glenwood, Goodyear, Grainger, HEO, Holiday, Homelite, IMP, King, Lewis, Longlife, McCulloch, Montgomery Ward, Nelson, New Holland, Pennfield, Plymouth, Prince, Reliance, Reliant, Renter, Senator, Simons, Simpson, Smith, Spur, Suburban, TECO, Terry, Tilly, Toro, Tru-Test, Viking, Wards, Warrier, Warrior, Western Auto, Whitehouse, Wizard, Workhorse and more including additional undocumented brands exported to Europe. The LawnBoy division of The Toro Company owns the Gilson legacy and is the supplier of OEM parts. When they brought the Gilson line into the company the parts were renumbered. The new numbers are included below in parenthesis. I partner with M&D Mower to provide factory parts while I focus on parts that the factory no longer offers. As such some links will lead to M&D and some parts will be ordered directly through this site. Parts provided by M&D are indicated with their logo. Everything else I provide directly is in stock and I ship daily.
OIL BATH WORM DRIVE PARTS Click Here for Grease Packed Worm Drive Parts
Seal Sets
Seal Set 17926
Seal Set
Seal Set 17927
Seal Set
Seal Set 18821
Seal Set
Seal Set 18823
Seal Set
Seal Set 18825
Seal Set
Seal Set 34018
Seal Set
18824, 34018
Seal Set #1
Seal Set
Seal Set #2
Seal Set
Worm Drive


Gilson Tiller Manual, Montgomery Ward Tiller Manual Service Manual, Owner's Manual
Worm Wheels
For Oil Bath Worm Drives
21 Tooth Worm Wheel 1004
21 Tooth Worm Wheel
21 Tooth Worm Wheel 33566
21 Tooth Worm Wheel
33566, 14558
34 Tooth Worm Wheel 1626
34 Tooth Worm Wheel
41 Tooth Worm Wheel 1299
41 Tooth Worm Wheel
Drive Belts
Drive Belts
70816 Worm Wheel Key
Tine Shaft Key
1001 1
1" Tine Shaft
Worm Gear for 21 Tooth Drives
Worm Gear
Engine Parts
For Grease Packed Worm Drives
Gilson Tiller Manual, Montgomery Ward Tiller Manual Service Manual, Owner's Manual
20 Tooth Worm Wheel 36009
20 ToothWorm Wheel
20 Tooth Worm Wheel 33473
20 ToothWorm Wheel
70807 Woodruff Key
Woodruff Key Pair
S Series Tiller Attachment
S Series Tiller Attachment
3/4 inch Input Bushing  1024
3/4" Input Bushing
Input Ball Bearing 6226
Input Ball Bearing
3/4 inch Retaining Ring 1042
3/4" Retaining Ring
3/4 inch Worm Gear Bearings 1140 & 1044
3/4" Worm Gear Bearings
1140 & 1044
Worm Spacer 6824
Worm Spacer
Adjusting Plug 1014
Adjusting Plug
1" Tine Shaft Bearings
1045 & 1046
1 inch Retaining Ring 1043
1" Retaining Ring
1 inch Tineshaft Bushing 3452 and 33250
1" Tineshaft Bushing
3453 Washer
3453 Washer
17320 4-Speed Variable Sheave Shaft Bearing
4-Speed Variable Sheave
Shaft Bearing
1097 4-Speed Variable Sheave Liner Bearing
4-Speed Variable Sheave
Liner Bearing
Engine Parts
Vent Plug 1034
Vent Plug
Oil Seals
1054 1 inch Shaft Seal
1" Shaft Seal
1117 3/4 inch Shaft Seal
3/4" Shaft Seal
18083 Lip Seal
7/8" Shaft Seal
Front Adjusting Plug Seal 1057
Front Adjusting Plug Seal

Tine Shaft Side Cover Seal 1059
Side Cover Seal
Tine Shaft Side Cover Seal 1792
Side Cover Seal
Gasket Set 6112 + 6113 (3)
Case Gaskets
6112, 6113
Gasket Set 3869 + 3868 (3) or 1225
Case Gaskets
3869, 3868
Do you have a question?

Contact us!

Felt Seals for Worm Drive Tillers
Felt Seals Used on Front Tine, Oil Bath, Worm Drive Models:
Felt Seal 1055
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 11246
Felt Seal
11246, 9500
Special Washer 1088
Special Washer
1088, 9545
Felt Seal 1056
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 1058
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 1995
Felt Seal
Power Bolt Log Splitter
Gilson Splitter

Felt Seals Explained
Gilson Tiller Manual, Montgomery Ward Tiller Manual Service Manual, Owner's Manual
Engine Parts
Felt Seals Used on Front Tine, Grease Packed Worm Drive, Compact Tillers and Cultivators:
Felt Seal 33591
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 33592
Felt Seal
Special Washer 33590
Special Washer
Drive Belts
Drive Belts
Snow Blowers
Gilson Snowblower

Hardware and Other Parts
3/16 X 5/8 Hypro Key 70822
3/16 X 5/8 Hypro Key
5/8 inch Retaining Ring 1042
5/8" Retaining Ring
3/4 inch Retaining Ring 1042
3/4" Retaining Ring
1 inch Retaining Ring 1043
1" Retaining Ring
Washer 1230
Special Washer
3453 Washer
3453 Washer
26350 Friction wheel for 4-speed tillers
26350 Friction Wheel
4-Speed Tillers
2555 Knob
Idler Rollers
Forward Idler Roller 1992
Forward Idler Roller
Forward Idler Roller 6681
Forward Idler Roller
Reverse Idler Roller 12438
Reverse Idler Roller
Idler Roller Assembly 33632
Idler Roller Assembly
Drive Belts
Drive Belts
Horizontal Input Shaft Parts#horizgreasepacked
Models: 481 1246, 51095, 51102, 51102 Z, 51170 , GIL 39000 A, GIL 39000 B, GIL 39000 C, GIS 2000 A67, GIS 2000 A77, GIS 2000 A87, 60 4032, 481 1246, FT2G (Decal ID), Worm Drive 33626 (742668)
Horizontal Input Drive
(LawnBoy/Toro #742668)


Reference Image
Assemblies are not available

Gilson #33473
20 ToothWorm Wheel
(LawnBoy/Toro #701015)

20 Tooth Worm Wheel 33473

Click Here

Gilson #18083
7/8" Tine Shaft Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #700123)

18083 Lip Seal


Gilson #9784
Worm Wheel Retaining Ring
(LawnBoy/Toro #700116)

Worm Wheel Retaining Ringl


Gilson #70807
Woodruff Key Pair
(LawnBoy/Toro #700137)

70807 Woodruff Key

Click Here

Gilson #33595
(LawnBoy/Toro #701023)



Gilson #33605
Grooved Dowel Pin
(LawnBoy/Toro #701024)

Grooved Dowel Pin


Gilson #18744
Thrust Race
(LawnBoy/Toro #700126)

Thrust Race


Gilson #33589
Thrust Bearing
(LawnBoy/Toro #701021)

Thrust Bearing


Gilson #33471
Flange bearing
(LawnBoy/Toro #701013)

Input Shaft Flanged bearing 33471

Click Here

10 Bolt Kit
(Replaces Rivets)

Case Bolt Kit


Gilson #33588
Input O-Ring Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #701020)

Input O-Ring Seal


Gilson #89448
Seal Set
(LawnBoy/Toro #742696)

89448 Compact Tiller Seal Set

Click Here

Belt For These Models
Gilson 33622
(LawnBoy/Toro #700860)

33622 Drive Belt

Click Here

Idler Roller
Gilson 33632
(LawnBoy/Toro #740051)

Idler Roller Assembly 33632

Click Here

Vertical Input Shaft Parts#vertgreasepacked
Models: 51105, 51105 Z, 51110, 51110 Z, 51125, GIL 39002 A, GIL 39002 B, 09GN 1105, Worm Drive 36059 (742753)
Vertical Input Drive
(LawnBoy/Toro #742753)

Vertical Input Drive Worm Drive

Reference Image
Assemblies are not available

Gilson #36009
20 ToothWorm Wheel
(LawnBoy/Toro #704793)

20 Tooth Worm Wheel 36009

Click Here

Gilson #18083
7/8" Tine Shaft Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #700123)

18083 Lip Seal


Gilson #9784
Worm Wheel Retaining Ring
(LawnBoy/Toro #700116)

Worm Wheel Retaining Ringl


Gilson #70807
Woodruff Key Pair
(LawnBoy/Toro #700137)

70807 Woodruff Key

Click Here

Gilson #33595
(LawnBoy/Toro #701023)



Gilson #33589
Thrust Bearing
(LawnBoy/Toro #701021)

Thrust Bearing


10 Bolt Kit
(Replaces Rivets)

Case Bolt Kit


Gilson #33588
Input O-Ring Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #701020)

Input O-Ring Seal


Belt For These Models
Gilson 36019
(LawnBoy/Toro #704794)

36019 Drive Belt

Click Here

Seal Set 34986
Seal Set

(Front Tine)
Seal Set 89428
Seal Set

(Rear Tine - Tines)
(Front Tine)
Seal Set 89432
Seal Set

(Rear Tine - Traction)
Seal Set 89455
Seal Set

(Rear Tine - Tines)
Seal Set 89446
Seal Set

(Rear Tine - Traction)
Seal Set 18870
Seal Set

(Front Tine)
Seal Set 18871
Seal Set

(Rear Tine - Tines)
Gilson Tiller Manual, Montgomery Ward Tiller Manual Service Manual, Owner's Manual
14 Bolt Kit
Replaces Rivets
(33593 & 17002 )

14 bolt rivet replacement kit


1054 1 inch Shaft Seal
1" Shaft Seal
18083 Lip Seal
7/8" Shaft Seal
9230 Chain Case Input Shaft Seal
Chain Case
Input Shaft Seal
27085 Chain Case Input Shaft Seal
Chain Case
Input Shaft Seal
208176 Chain Case Input Shaft Seal
Chain Case
Input Shaft Seal
208174 Chain Case Input Bearings
Chain Case
Input Bearings
Gilson #35886
Input O-Ring Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #701365)

Input O-Ring Seal


208174 Chain Case 1
Chain Case
1" Tine Shaft Bearings
27087 Chain Case Cluster Sprocket Bearings
Chain Case
Cluster Sprocket Bearings

Drive Belts
Drive Belts
Idler Roller Assembly 33632
Idler Roller Assembly
Do you have a question?

Contact us!

Engine Parts

Felt Seals for Chain Driven - Front & Rear Tine Tillers
Felt Seals Used on Rear Tine, Models:
Felt Seal 9627
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 11246
Felt Seal
11246, 9500
Felt Seal 33592
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 9501
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 33591
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 1056
Felt Seal
Felt Seals Explained Video
Special Washer 1088
Special Washer
1088, 9545
Special Washer 33590
Special Washer
Felt Seals Used on Front Tine, Chain Drive Models:
Felt Seal 1055
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 11246
Felt Seal
9500, 11246
Felt Seal 9627
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 33592
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 9501
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 33591
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 1056
Felt Seal
Special Washer 1088
Special Washer
1088, 9545
Special Washer 33590
Special Washer
Fuel System
Carburetor Kit
390930 / 270782 Filter Combo
390930/270782 Filter
Air Filter
Fuel Line Kit
Fuel Filter
Fuel Valve Kit
Carburetor Kit
27987 Air Filter
Air Filter
27987 Air Filter
3-1/2 HP Carburetor Diaphragm Kit
Custom throttle cable
Custom Length
Throttle Cable
Pull Grips
Pull Grips
Pull Cords
Starter Cord
Recoil Starter Pulleys
Recoil Starter
Recoil Spring 294303
Recoil Spring
Recoil Clutch 399671
Recoil Clutch
Head Gaskets
B&S Head Gaskets
Snow Blowers
Gilson Snowblower

Gilson Tiller Manual, Montgomery Ward Tiller Manual Service Manual, Owner's Manual
Power Bolt Log Splitter
Gilson Splitter

Side Exhaust Muffler 297274
Side Exhaust
294599 3/4
3/4" Inline
391313 Bolt on Muffler 391313
Bolt On
390249 3/4
3/4" Low Tone
Drive Belts
Drive Belts
Ignition System
CJ-8 Spark Plug
Spark Plug
Magnetron Ignition Module, Magneto
Magneto Coils
Spark Plug Boot
Spark Plug Boot
Ignition Points
Ignition Points
All Engine Parts Tools and Manuals Machine Documentation

General Information

Case Styles: : 3 basic terms are used to describe Gilson worm drives. If you need to figure things out for a machine with a lost tag this information may be helpful. If you find your model number it does not matter, you are all set. Never hesitate to write with questions before ordering parts.

  • Orientation
    • Horizontal cases have horizonal shaft engines and are belt driven.
    • Vertical cases have vertical shaft engines and are driven from above by a cup and cone clutch or a horizontal belt.
  • Case Side Style (Oil Bath Only)
    • Lock Cover Type cases use a threaded end plug to close the side of the case and set the tine shaft bearing clearance. A cotter pin or bolted tab locks the adjustable side.
    • Bolt on Cover Type cases are held closed with 3 bolts. 1, 2 or 3 shim gaskets are added to the primary gasket to set the tine shaft bearing clearance.
    • A set of instructions available at the bottom of this page illustrates.
Oil & Felt Seals: Many of the Gilson tiller gear case seals and gaskets are no longer available as factory parts. I have had production parts made and sourced quality stock items to provide replacement seal kits in the original configurations whenever possible. Your steel worm gear and bronze worm wheel are durable parts, but they will fail if deprived of lubricating oil. These gears are expensive, and availability is becoming a greater risk each year. Keeping your tiller worm drive seals in good condition is cheap insurance. Nearly all gear case failures can be traced to lost oil and it is totally preventable.

Felt Seals are the unsung heroes in tiller design. They are found on the tine shaft between the tine assembly and the oil seals in the actual gear case. Their purpose is to keep dirt away from the sensitive lips of the oil seals. A regularly maintained tiller will need numerous sets of felt seals over the useful life of the oil seals so felt seal sets are offered. If you remove the tines the felts may be almost indistinguishable from dirt, grass and roots that may be wound around the shafts.

In some vertical input cases, a felt seal will be used as the input shaft oil seal or to.


Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Gilson Tiller Felt Seals Explained

Tiller Lubricant 4890 (703281)
For Worm and Chain Drive Cases
Genuine Gilson

Gilson Tiller Lube 4890

The original Gilson lubricant was lead based SAE 140 EP fluid and it was discontinued many years ago. It was sold in 8 fluid ounce cans. They even came in 4 packs with the plastic rings to hold them together. Even on Ebay, cans of this product have become very rare.

This product is NOT for use in snowblowers.

Today's Options

As far as I know lead based lubricants were phased out decades ago. Meanwhile synthetic lubricants have become commonplace. The properties of synthetic lubricants may make up for the lack of lead. Here are some options.

1) This is what LawnBoy/Toro is able to offer today. #4890 (LawnBoy/Toro# 703281), Lubricant, 1 Pint (Provided by M&D Mower)

2) SAE 140 synthetic and conventional lubricant is available. You may need to buy a quart or gallon, but it's out there. Visit your local auto parts store or start on Google.

3) Many GL fluids are not safe for use with yellow metals, including the bronze worm wheel. The sulpher content can be corrosive to yellow metals. GL-4 is generally safe. GL-5 may be safe. Look for a product that states it is safe for use with yellow metals.

4) Some owners report using readily available multi viscosity SAE 85W-140 lubricant. Multi-viscosity is never the best choice for the harshest applications, but I have not heard of problems.

I continue to look for a product I can reasonably sell and ship. I will add it to my direct offering when able.

Seal Kit Information: In addition to the mentioned worm driven models Gilson also had many chain driven tillers including front and rear tine models. Some of the parts found below including felts and belts are also applicable to these models.

KTXXXX Seal Kits Early parts diagrams list seals using KT series numbers. I do not have a cross reference for those numbers. Later on, the kits were redesignated as found below. The kits found below cover 85% of the oil bath worm drive tiller models Gilson built.

Searching For Your Model You can search this page for the model number from your Gilson ID tag, see above. You can search for your model by pressing "Ctrl F" in most browsers. Try omitting any prefixes and suffixes when searching. For "09GN 1023 5FFE" just search for "1023" and browse from there.

Seal Set 17926
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
09GN 1005
10 230 03
10 233 05
10 242 05
10 246 03
10 457 05
10 461 28
202997 6
44 0318
481 1279
51005 C
51005 X
51010 C
51010 X
6681 4
6681 5
6752 6
6753 6
A 555
B 555
GIL 1548 A
GIL 1558 A
GIL 1558 B
GIL 1558 C
GIL 1558 D
GIL 1576 A
GIL 1581 B
GIL 1585 B
GIL 1585 C
GIL 1585 D
GIL 1590 A
GIL 1590 B
GIL 1594 A
GIL 1594 B
GIL 1595 E
GIL 1595 F
GIS 2040 A37
GIS 2040 A47
GIS 2045 A47
GIS 2045 A57
GIS 2045 A67
GIS 6899 A86
GIS 6899 A96
GIS 6999 A96
GIS 7060 A07
GIS 7060 A17
HEO 889 4
HEO 890 1
Two #1055 felt seals are used on each side of the worm drive on most models. Sandwiched between the 2 seals is a #1088 flat steel washer that allows the seals to slip against each other forming a rotary dirt seal. If your #1088 washers are lost or damaged a pair can be ordered here.

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Complete Kit
SEAL KIT 17926
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1117, (LawnBoy/Toro #700413) Input Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro #700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #3869 (LawnBoy/Toro 703266) Main Gasket
(3) Gilson #3868 (LawnBoy/Toro 703265) Shim Gasket
(4) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #703428) Felt Seal
(4) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin (Not Shown)
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics
Felt Only Kit
Replacements for:
(4) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #703428) Felt Seal
(4) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Seal Set 17927 (242179)
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
09GN 1023 5FFE
09GN 1023 5FFL
09GN 1023 84
09GN 1023 85
10 245 01
10 452 02
10 453 04
10 454 01
10 531 06
10 532 A06
10 534 05
10 539 05
10 544 01
10 545 25
10 546 22
1580 K
42 550 071/( 550)
42 550 820
42 550 842
42 551 304
481 1261
51023 A
51097 A
551 42382
551 42475
6548 4
6548 5
6750 6
AA 4
GIL 1545 A
GIL 1545 B
GIL 1545 C
GIL 1545 D
GIL 1567 A
GIL 1567 AB
GIL 1580 G
GIL 1580 H
GIL 1580 I
GIL 1580 J
GIL 1593 D
GIL 39006 A
GIL 39007 A
GIS 2010 A37
GIS 2010 A37A
GIS 2010 A47
GIS 2010 A57
GIS 2025 A08
GIS 2025 A18
GIS 2025 A28
GIS 2025 A38
GIS 2025 A58
GIS 2025 A67
GIS 2025 A77
GIS 2025 A87
GIS 6572 A66
GIS 6672 A76
GIS 6672 A86
GIS 6772 A07
GIS 6772 A17
GIS 6772 A96
Two #11246 felt seals are used on each side of the worm drive on most models. Sandwiched between the 2 seals is a #1088 flat steel washer that allows the seals to slip against each other forming a rotary dirt seal. If your #1088 washers are lost or damaged a pair can be ordered here.

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Complete Kit
SEAL KIT 17927
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1117, (LawnBoy/Toro #700413) Input Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro #700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #6112 (LawnBoy/Toro 703287) Main Gasket
(3) Gilson #6113 (LawnBoy/Toro 703288) Shim Gasket
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(4) Gilson #11246, (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin (Not Shown)
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics
Felt Only Kit
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(4) Gilson #11246, (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Seal Set 18821
Seal Kit 18821 covered a staggering 143+ models of Gilson built oil bath worm drive tillers. It was the "Swiss Army Knife" of seal kits with many different parts for various models. By going into the original model documentation I have been able to reconstruct 4 rebuild kits I'm calling 18821A, B, C, & D that cover 105 of those models. If you have a model that calls for kit 18821 search the next 4 kits for a model number match. If your documentation calls for seal set 18821 and is not listed in these 4 kits, contact me and I will ceate a special set.The individual parts are available in the A La Carte section of this page.

If you want to see or purchase the complete 18821 seal set click here.

Seal Set 18821A
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
10 108 02
10 126 05
10 121 01
10 122 02
10 123 02
10 124 06
10 127 10
118 3
10 152 06
10 153 09
10 154 06
10 112 02P
10 114 02
10 128 02
10 150 06I
10 115 03
GIL 1550 A
GIL 1550 B
GIL 1565
GIL 1565 D
10 105 05E
10 107 01
10 108 02E
10 130 01
10 131 02
10 132 06
10 133 13
10 134 12
10 135 06
10 135 22
HEO 824
HEO 824 2
HEO 826 0
10 109 07
10 117 06V
GIL 1565 A
10 116 08
10 136 03
GIL 1565 B
GIL 1565 C
10 100 C11
10 101 02E
10 106 05E
10 102 02P
10 129 03
10 104 03
10 116 03
GIL 1560 A
10 103 04
10 111 04
10 139 06
GIS 6160

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Complete Kit
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro #700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #3869 (LawnBoy/Toro 703266) Main Gasket
(3) Gilson #3868 (LawnBoy/Toro 703265) Shim Gasket
(2) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #703428) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #1995, (LawnBoy/Toro #703233) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin (Not Shown)
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics
Felt Only Kit
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #703428) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #1995, (LawnBoy/Toro #703233) Felt Seal
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Seal Set 18821B
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
GIL 1503 B
GIL 1530 A
GIL 1530 B
GIL 1530 C
GIL 1531 A
GIL 1531 B
GIL 1532 A
GIL 1532 B
202997 4
51014 A
10 137 06
117 3 FFE
140 3FPB
AA 1
HEO 837
HEO 837 7
GIS 2005 A37
GIS 2005 A47
GIS 2005 A57
GIS 2005 B57

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Complete Kit
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro #700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #3869 (LawnBoy/Toro 703266) Main Gasket
(3) Gilson #3868 (LawnBoy/Toro 703265) Shim Gasket
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #11246, (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #1995, (LawnBoy/Toro #703233) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin (Not Shown)
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics
Felt Only Kit
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #11246, (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #1995, (LawnBoy/Toro #703233) Felt Seal
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Seal Set 18821C
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
10 303 02
10 401 03
10 402 03
10 409 03
10 410 06
10 411 06
10 412 06
10 413 06
GIL 1570
GIL 1570 A
GIL 1570 B
GIL 1571 A
GIL 1574
GIL 1588 B

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Complete Kit
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro #700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #1792, (LawnBoy/Toro #703231) Tine Shaft Cover Seal
(2) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1058, Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #1995, (LawnBoy/Toro #703233) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics
Felt Only Kit
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1058, Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #1995, (LawnBoy/Toro #703233) Felt Seal
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Seal Set 18821D
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
10 403 10V
GIL 1598 A
GIL 1598 B
GIL 1599
GIL 1599 A
GIL 1599 B

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Complete Kit
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro #700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #3869 (LawnBoy/Toro 703266) Main Gasket
(3) Gilson #3868 (LawnBoy/Toro 703265) Shim Gasket
(2) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1058 Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics
Felt Only Kit
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1058 Felt Seal
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Seal Set 18823
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
10 300 01S
10 301 07SM
10 303 02J
10 304 03
10 305 01S
10 306 02J
10 307 07
10 308 08
10 309 03
10 310 03
10 312 01
10 313 02
10 318 02
10 321 04
10 324 01
10 326 02
10 327 03
10 328 06
10 329 04
10 332 01
10 333 06
10 335 02
10 338 13
10 339 06
10 340 12
10 341 10
10 342 23
10 346 04
10 347 01
10 350 04
10 353 01
10 354 02
10 356 04
10 358 12
10 359 13
10 361 02
10 361 06
10 361 22
10 362 01
10 364 02
10 365 13
10 367 12
10 368 01
10 369 02
10 371 01
10 372 12
10 374 01
10 375 04
10 375 06
10 376 02
10 377 01
10 388 13
10 395 12
10 396 22
10 397 03
10 398 06
10 399 01
394 6
AA 2 A
AA 3 A
AA 5
GIL 1575
GIL 1575 A
GIL 1575 B
GIL 1581 A
GIL 1584 A
GIL 1584 B
GIL 1584 C
GIS 6290
GIS 6390
GIS 6495
GIS 6496
GIS 6595
GIS 6695 A66
GIS 6695 A76
GIS 6695 A86
GIS 6695 A96
GIS 6699 A66
GIS 6995 A07
GIS 6995 A96
GIS 7060 A27
HEO 863
HEO 863 4
HEO 875 C
HEO 877 B
HEO 879
HEO 879 19
HEO 879 9
RT 3
RT 5
Two #1055 felt seals are used on each side of the worm drive on most models. Sandwiched between the 2 seals is a #1088 flat steel washer that allows the seals to slip against each other forming a rotary dirt seal. If your #1088 washers are lost or damaged a pair can be ordered here.

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Complete Kit
SEAL KIT 18823
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro #700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #1792, (LawnBoy/Toro #703231) Tine Shaft Cover Seal
(4) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #703428) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #1995, (LawnBoy/Toro #703233) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin (Not Shown)
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics
Felt Only Kit
Replacements for:
(4) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #703428) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #1995, (LawnBoy/Toro #703233) Felt Seal
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Worm Drive Tool and Lock Ring Information#tool
1189 Lock Ring
Care should be exercised when working on worm drive cases that have the side cover retained by the 1189 lock ring pictured to the left. The ring should not be struck with a drift punch or other hard tool. It can be ruined, and replacements are essentially nonexistent.

When installed, the ring is tightened, backed off a notch and secured with a cotter pin. This means that it is not torqued in tightly. Before trying to move the ring, do your best to remove any grit and apply penetrating oil help the ring run in the threads. Pictured to the right is a tool that Gilson offered in the day. The tangs at the left engaged the lock ring and cover. If possible, make something similar to engage the ring so it can be unwound smoothly. If this is not possible work gently with soft tools such as scrap brass, aluminum or even plastic. Work from the 2 rectangular notches on the inner diameter, not the cotter pin notches.

The upright tab is for moving the worm gear bearing adjusting plug. More can be seen about that here.

The Gilson tool IS NOT AVAILABLE. More information including related bushing and seal drivers can be seen in Service Bulletin #79.

Worm Drive Tool

Seal Set 18825
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
10 120 09
10 200 01C
10 201 02V
10 202 02D
10 203 10
10 204 05DA
10 205 01C
10 206 02D
10 207 02V
10 208 05DA
10 209 09V
10 211 02
10 212 01
10 213 02
10 214 02
10 215 02
10 216 05
10 217 09
10 218 10
10 219 10
10 220 02
10 221 01
10 222 02
10 223 12
10 224 12
10 225 03
10 226 05F
10 229 03
10 231 04
10 232 05
10 234 04
10 235 04
10 236 01
10 237 01
10 238 02
10 238 02
10 239 02
10 241 05
10 243 01
10 244 12
10 247 03
10 248 04
10 249 10
10 370 05
10 417 A03
10 417 B03
10 450 04
10 451 01
10 456 05
10 459 12
10 460 13
10 501 07U
10 502 09UR
10 503 05
10 504 11UA
10 505 12U
10 506 09
10 507 07
10 508 06V
10 509 06V
10 510 04
10 511 05
10 512 05
10 515 01
10 516 02
10 519 06
10 520 06
10 521 06
10 522 05
10 523 05
10 525 06
10 526 13
10 527 13
10 529 01
10 530 02
10 532 06
10 532 22
10 533 03
10 535 13
10 536 06
10 536 10
10 537 04
10 538 01
10 540 02
10 541 01
10 542 06
10 542 13
10 543 10
1960 CA
1960 C
1960 D
1960 DA
1960 V A
1960 V B
1960 V C
1960 VD
202997 5
272 C
44 0315
51023 B
51082 Z
60 4023 A5
60 4032
6550 4
6550 5
6652 5
AA 2
GIL 1565 E
GIL 1565 F
GIL 1565 G
GIL 1572 A
GIL 1573 A
GIL 1575 C
GIL 1575 D
GIL 1575 E
GIL 1580 A
GIL 1580 B
GIL 1580 C
GIL 1580 D
GIL 1580 E
GIL 1580 F
GIL 1589 A
GIL 1593 A
GIL 1593 B
GIL 1593 C
GIS 2010 A37B
GIS 2020 A37
GIS 2020 A47
GIS 2025 A47
GIS 2025 A57
GIS 2025 B57
GIS 2030 A37
GIS 2030 A47
GIS 2035 A08
GIS 2035 A18
GIS 2035 A47
GIS 2035 A67
GIS 2035 A77
GIS 2035 A87
GIS 2035 A97
GIS 2036 B57
GIS 6260
GIS 6270
GIS 6485
GIS 6572
GIS 6585
GIS 6598
GIS 6685
GIS 6685 A07
GIS 6685 A17
GIS 6685 A27
GIS 6685 A66
GIS 6685 A76
GIS 6685 A86
GIS 6685 A96
GIS 6698 A66
GIS 6790 A76
GIS 6790 A86
GIS 6790 A96
GIS 6798 A76
GIS 6898 A07
GIS 6898 A17
GIS 6898 A27
GIS 6898 A86
GIS 6898 A96
GIS 6990 A07
GIS 6990 A17
GIS 6990 A27
GIS 6990 A96
HEO 844
HEO 846 6
HEO 854 5
HEO 857
HEO 857 2
Two #1055 felt seals are used on each side of the worm drive on most models. Sandwiched between the 2 seals is a #1088 flat steel washer that allows the seals to slip against each other forming a rotary dirt seal. If your #1088 washers are lost or damaged a pair can be ordered here.

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Complete Kit
SEAL KIT 18825
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1117, (LawnBoy/Toro #700413) Input Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro #700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #1792, (LawnBoy/Toro #703231) Tine Shaft Cover Seal
(4) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #703428) Felt Seal
(4) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin (Not Shown)
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics
Felt Only Kit
Replacements for:
(4) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #703428) Felt Seal
(4) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Seal Set 18824, 34018
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
09GN 1094
10 320 04
10 325 02
10 331 01
10 337 01
10 343 01
10 344 03
10 345 04
10 348 02
10 349 01
10 416 A03
10 416 B03
481 1253
51094 X
GIL 1566 C
GIL 1571 B
GIL 1578 A
GIL 1578 B
GIL 39001 A
GIL 39002 A
GIL 39002 B
GIL 39003 A
GIS 2006 A08
GIS 2006 A18
GIS 2006 A67
GIS 2006 A77
GIS 2006 A87
GIS 2006 A97
GIS 2015 A67
GIS 6060
GIS 6475
GIS 6575
GIS 6575 A66
Two #11246 felt seals are used on each side of the worm drive on most models. Sandwiched between the 2 seals is a #1088 flat steel washer that allows the seals to slip against each other forming a rotary dirt seal. If your #1088 washers are lost or damaged a pair can be ordered here.

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Complete Kit
SEAL KIT 34018
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro #700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #6112 (LawnBoy/Toro 703287) Main Gasket
(3) Gilson #6113 (LawnBoy/Toro 703288) Shim Gasket
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(4) Gilson #11246, (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #1995, (LawnBoy/Toro #703233) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin (Not Shown)
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics
Felt Only Kit
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(4) Gilson #11246, (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
(1) Gilson #1995, (LawnBoy/Toro #703233) Felt Seal
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Tiller Seal Set #1
For 3 Bolt Case Side
This seal set is intended for use on oil bath worm drive models not listed in the complete kits above that have the gasketed 3 bolt side plate. As always confirm the individual part numbers listed. This same seal set is used on many Gilson snowblowers.

Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1117, (LawnBoy/Toro #700413) Input Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro #700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin (Not Shown)

Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

PayPal Payment Options Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Tiller Seal Set #2
For Adjustable Case Sides
This seal set is intended for use on oil bath worm drive models not listed in the complete kits above that have the screwed in side cover that allows adjustment of the tine shaft bearings. As always confirm the individual part numbers listed.

Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1117, (LawnBoy/Toro #700413) Input Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro #700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #1792, (LawnBoy/Toro #703231) Tine Shaft Cover Seal
(2) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin (Not Shown)

Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

PayPal Payment Options Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover

Click here to download the tiller worm drive rebuild instructions.

Seal Set 34986 (742428)
PARTIAL Replacement Seal Set for Specified Chain Drive Tillers
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
51075 Z
GIL 1312
GIL 1555 A
GIL 1555 B
GIL 1555 C
Available Parts
SEAL KIT 34986
Replacements for:
(2) 1054 (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(2) 11246 (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
(2) 9545 (LawnBoy/Toro #701790) Steel Washer
(2) 9627 (LawnBoy/Toro #701780) Felt Seal (Thinnest)
(2) 9501 (LawnBoy/Toro #703354) Felt Seal
(1) 27085 (LawnBoy/Toro #704546) Input Shaft Oil Seal

* Steel Washer 9498 (2) is not available. These go between the case and the large 9501 felt seal. Reuse the original if it's available.
* Case Gasket 4028 is not available, reuse or craft from gasket stock.

Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics

Seal Set 89428 (742689)
PARTIAL Replacement Seal Set for Specified Rear Tine Tiller, Tine Chain Cases
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
09GN 1114
09GN 1114 A
09GN 1114 B
09GN 1134
09GN 1134 84
09GN 1183 85
169080 3
202 4760
202476 C
5052 34
5052 44
5054 34
5055 44
5055 54
51134 A
51134 B
51134 C
51134 D
51134 E
51134 F
51134 G
51135 B
51135 C
51136 Z
51137 B
51137 C
51141 A
51141 B
51141 C
51148 / 80-81
51148 A
51148 B
51148 C
51151 A
51151 B
51152 A
51152 B
51153 A
51153 B
51153 C
51155 A
51155 B
51175 A
51176 A
51182 A
51183 A
GIL 39008 A
GIL 39008 B
GIL 39008 C
GIL 39008 D
GIL 39011 A
GIL 39011 B
GIL 39011 C
GIL 39011 D
GIL 39012 B
GIL 39012 C
GIL 39012 D
GIL 39031 A
GIL 39031 B
GIL 39031 C
GIL 39032 A
GIL 39032 B
GIL 39032 C
GIL 39032 D
GIL 39032 F
GIS 2120 A 28
GIS 2120 A08
GIS 2120 A97
GIS 2120 B18
GIS 2121 A48
GIS 2125 A08
GIS 2125 A18
GIS 2125 A28
GIS 2125 A97
GIS 2125 B08
GIS 2125 B18
GIS 2130 A18
GIS 2130 A28
GIS 2130 A38
GIS 2130 B18
Available Parts
SEAL KIT 89428
Replacements for:
(2) 1054 (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(2) 11246 (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal
(2) 9545 (LawnBoy/Toro #701790) Steel Washer
(2) 9627 (LawnBoy/Toro #701780) Felt Seal (Thinnest)
(2) 1056 (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal
(1) 208176 (LawnBoy/Toro #701776) Input Shaft Oil Seal, Quantity 1 (The available seal is slightly narrower but functional)

* Steel Washer 208193 (2) is not available. These go between the case and the large 1056 felt seal. Reuse the original if it's available.
* Case Gasket 208052 is not available, reuse or craft from gasket stock.

Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics

Seal Set 89432 (742691)
PARTIAL Replacement Seal Set for Specified Rear Tine Tiller, Traction Chain Cases
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
5081 34
5081 44
5081 54
51135 / 79-80
51135 B
51135 C
51151 A
51151 B
51152 A
51152 B
51179 A
GIL 39008 A
GIL 39008 B
GIL 39008 C
GIL 39008 D
GIS 2125 A08
GIS 2125 A18
GIS 2125 A28
GIS 2125 A38
GIS 2125 A97
GIS 2125 B08
GIS 2125 B18
Available Parts
SEAL KIT 89432
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal

(1) Gilson #9230, (LawnBoy/Toro #703333 Input Shaft Seal (The available seal is slightly narrower but functional)

* Case Gasket 208052 is not available, reuse or craft from gasket stock.

Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics

Seal Set 89455 (742700)
PARTIAL Replacement Seal Set for Specified Rear Tine Tiller, Tine Chain Cases
This Kit Fits the Following Models:

51114 Z
51117 Z
GIL 39012
GIL 39012 A
GIS 2120 A87

Available Parts
SEAL KIT 89455
Replacements for:
(4) 33592 (LawnBoy/Toro #700864) Felt Seal
(2) 33590 (LawnBoy/Toro #700165) Washer
(2) 33591 (LawnBoy/Toro #700865) Felt Seal
(2) 18083 (LawnBoy/Toro #700123) Shaft Seal
(1) 35886 (LawnBoy/Toro #701365) O-ring
(14) Bolts, washers, and locknuts to replace rivets and washers # 33593 & 17002

* (2) Pop Rivets #37372, source locally
* (1) Case Gasket #35878 is not available, reuse or craft from gasket stock.

Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics

Seal Set 89446 (742694)
PARTIAL Replacement Seal Set for Specified Rear Tine Tiller, Traction Chain Cases
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
09GN 1114
09GN 1114 A
09GN 1114 B
09GN 1134
09GN 1134
09GN 1183
169080 3
202 4760
202476 C
5052 34
5052 44
5054 34
5055 44
5055 54
51114 Z
51117 Z
51134 A
51134 B
51134 C
51134 D
51134 G
51136 Z
51137 B
51137 C
51141 A
51141 B
51141 C
51148 A
51148 B
51148 C
51153 A
51153 B
51153 C
51155 A
51155 B
51175 A
51176 A
51182 A
51183 A
GIL 39012
GIL 39012 A
GIL 39012 B
GIL 39012 C
GIL 39012 D
GIL 39032 A
GIL 39032 B
GIL 39032 C
GIL 39032 D
GIL 39032 F
GIS 2120 A 28
GIS 2120 A08
GIS 2120 A87
GIS 2120 A97
GIS 2120 B18
GIS 2121 A48
GIS 2130 A18
GIS 2130 A28
GIS 2130 A38
GIS 2130 B18
Available Parts
SEAL KIT 89446
Replacements for:
(2) 18083 (LawnBoy/Toro #700123) Shaft Seal
(1) 35886 (LawnBoy/Toro #701365) O-ring
(14) Bolts, washers, and locknuts to replace rivets and washers # 33593 & 17002

* (2) Pop Rivets #37372, source locally
* (1) Case Gasket #35878 is not available, reuse or craft from gasket stock.

Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics

Seal Set 18870 (742180)
PARTIAL Replacement Seal Set for Specified Chain Drive Tillers
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
10 258 05
10 261 01
10 262 01
10 262 02
10 263 05
10 264 05
10 265 01
10 266 01
10 267 20
10 268 01
10 269 01
10 270 05
10 271 03
11 289 15
144 C
145 C
6547 5
6682 4
6683 5
6754 6
GIL 1579 A
Two #1055 felt seals are used on each side of the chain drive. Sandwiched between the 2 seals is a #1088 flat steel washer that allows the seals to slip against each other forming a rotary dirt seal. If your #1088 washers are lost or damaged a pair can be ordered here.
Available Parts
SEAL KIT 18870
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal
(2) Gilson #1792, (LawnBoy/Toro #703231) Tine Shaft Cover Seal
(4) Gilson #1055, (LawnBoy/Toro #703428) Felt Seal
(2) Gilson #1056, (LawnBoy/Toro #701778) Felt Seal

* (1) Case Gasket #4028 is not available, reuse or craft from gasket stock.

Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics

Seal Set 18871 (742181)
PARTIAL Replacement Seal Set for Specified Chain Drive Tillers
This Kit Fits the Following Models:
09GN 1013 5FFE
09GN 1013 5FFL
11 276 26
11 277 21
11 278 06
11 279 14
11 280 14
11 281 21
11 282 21
11 283 20
11 284 I9
11 285 18
11 286 17
11 287 16
11 288 15
11 289 15
11 290 15
11 291 15
11 292 15
11 293 14
11 294 14
11 295 14
11 296 14
11 297 14
11 298 14
11 299 14
202 4761
202476 1
202997 8
51011 Z
51013 A
51109 Z
60 4027
GIS 2050 A37
GIS 2050 A47
GIS 2050 A57
GIS 2050 A67
GIS 2055 A47
GIS 2055 A57
GIS 2055 A67
GIS 2060 A77
GIS 2060 A87
GIS 2060 A97
GIS 6971 A07
GIS 6971 A96
GIS 7071 A17
GIS 7071 A27
R 4 C
Two #11246 felt seals are used on each side of the chain drive. Sandwiched between the 2 felt seals is a #1088/9545 flat steel washer that allows the seals to slip against each other forming a rotary dirt seal. If your washers are lost or damaged a pair can be ordered here.
Available Parts
SEAL KIT 18871
Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro #700414) Tine Shaft Seal

(1) Gilson #9230, (LawnBoy/Toro #703333 Input Shaft Seal (The available seal is slightly narrower but functional)

(2) Gilson #9501, (LawnBoy/Toro #703354) Felt Seal

(4) Gilson #11246, (LawnBoy/Toro #701779) Felt Seal (some lists call for a combination of 11246 or 9500 & 9627 there is no meaningful difference)

* (1) Case Gasket #9432 is not available, reuse or craft from gasket stock.

Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics

Seals À la carte
There are a number of less common Gilson tiller drives for which I have not been able to assemble complete kits. These individual parts can be part of repairing those machines.
Gilson #1054
1" Shaft Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #700414)

1054 Lip Seal

$11.25 Each

How Many?

Gilson #1117
3/4" Shaft Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #700413)

1117 Lip Seal


Gilson #18083
7/8" Shaft Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #700123)

18083 Lip Seal


Gilson #1057
Front Adjusting Plug Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #700411)

1057 O Ring Plug Seal


Oil All Rubber
Seals Before
Gilson #1055
Felt Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #703428)

1055 Felt Seal

$3.50 Each

How Many?

Gilson #1056
Felt Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #701778)

1056 Felt Seal

$3.50 Each

How Many?

Gilson #11246, 9500
Felt Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #701779)

11246 Felt Seal

$3.50 Each

How Many?

Gilson #1995
Felt Wick /Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #703233)

1995 Felt Seal


Gilson #1058
Felt Seal

1058 Felt Seal

$3.50 Each

How Many?

Felt Seals
Explained Video
Gilson #9501
Felt Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #703354)

9501 Felt Seal

$3.50 Each

How Many?

Gilson #9627
Felt Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #701780)

9627 Felt Seal

$3.50 Each

How Many?

Gilson #33591
Felt Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #700865)

33591 Felt Seal

$3.50 Each

How Many?

Gilson #33592
Felt Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #700864)

33592 Felt Seal

$3.50 Each

How Many?

Case Side Gaskets and Seals

#6112 (703287) Main Gasket
#6113 (703288) Shim Gasket
These are gasket sets for some tiller worm drives that have the side case cover securred with 3 bolts. Gaskets are sold in sets of one regular gasket and 3 shim gaskets. You will need to use between zero and 3 shim gaskets depending on the tolerance of your parts. The regular gasket was Gilson #6112 (LawnBoy/Toro #703287). The shim gaskets were Gilson #6113 (LawnBoy/Toro #703288) These gaskets have been discontinued as OEM parts. They fit some drives drives with 21 and 31 tooth worm wheels. The inside diameter of these gaskets is 3-3/16". We have had them reproduced based on previously acquired genuine factory parts and they are a pefect match.

This same gasket set is used on many Gilson snowblowers.

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Worm Drive Gasket Set

#3869 (703266) Main Gasket
#3868 (703265) Shim Gasket
These are gasket sets for some tiller worm drives that have the side case cover securred with 3 bolts. Gaskets are sold in sets of one regular gasket and 3 shim gaskets. You will need to use between zero and 3 shim gaskets depending on the tolerance of your parts. The regular gasket was Gilson #3869 (LawnBoy/Toro# 703266). The shim gaskets were Gilson #3868 (LawnBoy/Toro# 703265) These gaskets have been discontinued as OEM parts. They fit some drives with 34, 40 and 41 tooth worm wheels. The inside diameter of these gaskets is 4-1/8". We have had them reproduced based on previously acquired genuine factory parts and they are a pefect match.

These 2 gaskets were previously sold as gasket set # 1225 or AG328.

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Worm Drive Gasket Set

#3824 (Unlisted) Main Gasket ***Discontinued***
#3867 (LawnBoy/Toro# 704064) Shim Gasket ***Discontinued***

1059, FM334 Tine Shaft Side Cover Seal
1059 Tine Shaft Side Cover Seal
The 1059 O-ring seal is used on tillers with the side cover secured with the one bolt clip shown in the blue ellipse. This less common cofiguration is known to have been used circa 1959-1960. Oil the seal before installation.

It is also in a few transitional designs circa 1960 that use the #1189 lock ring and cotter pin.

$2.00 Each
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Clipped Cover Example

This seal is used in cases secured with the clip circled in blue.

1792, ET304 (703231) Tine Shaft Side Cover Seal
1792 Tine Shaft Side Cover Seal
The 1792 O-ring seal is used on tillers with the side cover secured with a cotter pin as shown in the blue ellipse. The seal nests between the adjustable side cover and the #1189 lock ring. Oil the seal before installation.

This seal is also used in 40" wide tractor tiller attachments.

$2.00 Each
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Pinned Cover Example

This seal is used in cases secured with the cotter pin circled in blue.


1" Worm Wheel / Tine Shaft Bearings
1045 Bearing (cone) EW330, (703210)
1046 Race (cup) EW331, (703809)
These bearings support the bronze worm wheel on the tine shaft of most Gilson oil bath worm drive tillers. Be sure to check your part numbers before ordering. The set includes 2 bearings and 2 races.

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1 inch worm gear / tine shaft  bearing

#3452, #33250 (704691) 1" I.D. Tineshaft Bushing
(For some models not equipped with Cup & Cone bearings)
These are tine shaft bushings used in some oil bath worm drives. The bore is 1" inside diameter. Be sure to orient the notch and groove opening towards the inside so oil can enter the gallery. We have the original solid bronze bushings from retired snowblowers. New sintered steel replacement bushings are also available. They both cross reference to LawnBoy/Toro # 704691.
This is part number 3452, the original solid bronze tine shaft bushing. These are genuine used parts removed from retired snowblowers. They show no measurable wear.

1 inch worm gear / tine shaft  bearing 3452

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Select Quantity
This is part number 33250. It is interchangable with the solid bronze #3452 bushing. It is a sintered steel part. These are genuine new parts.

1 inch worm gear / tine shaft  bearing 33250

Ordering Link:
33250 (704691) Tine Shaft Bushing

#1001, C404 (703200) 1" Tine Shaft
This tine shaft is very common in the oil bath, worm drive tillers. It is 1" in diameter and 13” long. This shaft has been discontinued as a factory part, but we have replacements that are machined to the original specifications. As always, consult your illustrated parts list or ask before ordering.

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Note: Orders containing this item may ship by ground.

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You may want to order the following components when replacing this shaft:
# 70816, Woodruff Key
#1043, 1" Retaining Ring
#1001 (703200) 1

1024, BX314, (703207) Input Bushing
This bushing is used at the input end of cast iron oil bath worm drives of Gilson tillers. On vertical shaft models be sure to remove the grease fitting to drill a lube hole as described in the instructions you can download below. Be sure to check your part numbers before ordering.

This same bushing is used Gilson on snowblowers with cast iron oil bath worm drives.

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1024 Worm Drive Input Bushing

6226 (703313) Input Ball Bearing
This ball bearing is used at the input end of some cast iron oil bath worm drives of higher horsepower Gilson front tine tillers.

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6226 Worm Drive Input Bearing

3/4" Worm Gear Bearings
1140 Bearing (cone), EW312, (700417)
1044 Race (cup), EW311, (700418)
These bearings support the steel worm gear on the input shaft of most Gilson oil bath worm drive tillers. Be sure to check your part numbers before ordering. The set includes 2 bearings and 2 races.

These same bearings are used in Gilson snowblowers with cast iron and die cast aluminum oil bath worm drives.

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3/4 inch Worm Gear Bearings

6824 (700416) Worm Spacer
Original 6824 Worm Spacers
These spacers are used on each end of the steel worm gear in many oil bath worm drive models. Some original parts have 4 slits in the ID which are artifacts of the stamping process. This part replaces all versions. The bottom sides are all flat.

$14.75 Each
$28.00 Per Pair
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations
Either selection ships as 1 item


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6824 Worm Spacer

Replacement Part

Adjusting Plug 1014 (700409)
Adjusting Plug Tool#plugtool
Plug Tool
The worm drive adjusting plug is a cast iron part. If you try to adjust, remove or install it by driving it with a hammer and punch there is a good chance that you will break it. Don't break the adjusting plug. The tool depicted in these pictures can be made from scrap steel in about 5 minutes.

If you are reading this too late, a good used replacement can be ordered below.

$23.50 - Plug Only
$25.00 with #1057 O-ring Seal
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Seal Option
Plug Tool iIn Use

Vent Plug
1034 (740060)
Oil bath worm drives feature a vent plug to allow expanding air to escape as the gear case heats up. This prevents seal blowout. The plug features a small air hole and a felt insert is retained in the body of the plug to keep dirt out. This part has been discontinued.

These are used plugs that have been ultrasonically cleaned and tested for air passage.

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1034 Vent Plug

3/16 X 5/8 Hypro Key
70822 (700424)
This key is a replacement for what is descibed in the illustrated parts list as "Hypro Key 3/16 X 5/8. They were commonly used on the blower drive pulley and in some snowblower and rototiller worm drives. There may be applications elsewhere in the Gilson product line.

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Hypro Key

3/4" Retaining Ring
1042, ET301, (700097)
This retaining ring is used in front of the steel worm gear. It is also found in other applications.

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Solution Graphics
1042 3/4

1088, AI341, (700281) Special Washer
Also replaces 9545 (701790)
These washers are used on the 1" tine shafts, sandwiched between felts # 1055 or #11246 to make one felt slide against the other forming a rotary dirt seal. They are sized to match the factory parts and are stamped from stainless steel.

This washer is also used alongside some tiller belt tensioning idler rollers.

These #1088 washers are indistinguisable from washer #9545 and may be used in applications calling for #9545.

This same washer is used adjacent to auger bearings on Gilson snowblowers with oil bath worm drives.

$4.00 per Pair
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1088 Special Washer

33590, (700165) Special Washer
These washers are used on 7/8" tine shafts, sandwiched between 33592 felts on rear tine tillers to make one felt slide against the other forming a rotary dirt seal. They are sized to match the factory parts and are stamped from stainless steel.

$5.00 per Pair
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33590 Special Washer

Other Washers

#1088 Washer (LawnBoy/Toro# 700281)

#1230 Washer (LawnBoy/Toro# 700809)

#3453 Washer (LawnBoy/Toro# 700415)

#9545 (LawnBoy/Toro# 701790) Discontinued, use #1088 found here.

#9498 (LawnBoy/Toro# 704143) Washer***Discontinued***

#33590 Washer (LawnBoy/Toro# 700165)

#208193 Washer (LawnBoy/Toro# 701791)

1230, BB358, (700809) Special Washer
This washer is used alongside some tiller belt tensioning idler rollers. It fits a 3/4" diameter spindle or shaft. They are sized to match the factory parts and are stamped from stainless steel.

They also have snowblower applicatons.

$2.00 each
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Package Size

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1230 Special Washer

3453, (700415) Special Washer
This washer is used alongside the worm wheel in some tiller worm drives. They fit on the 1" tine shafts. The outside diameter is 2" These are used parts that are flat and not scored. They have been blasted clean.

They also have snowblower applicatons.

$4.00 each
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Also available as a new part at this link.
3453 Special Washer

1" Retaining Ring
1043, ET303, (700410)
This retaining ring is used adjacent to the 1" bore worm wheels show above.

This same retaining ring is used in Gilson snowblowers with #10398 1" bore worm wheels.

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Solution Graphics
1043 1

Tine Shaft Woodruff Key for 1" Shafts
70816 (700423)
This key is used in mounting 1" bore worm wheels. Some early diagrams did not use a part number but called the key out as "1/4" X 7/8" Woodruff Key, Heat Treated". Use with worm wheels 1004, 33566, 1626, and 1299.

This same key is used in Gilson snowblowers with #10398 1" bore worm wheels.

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Solution Graphics
70816 Key

Tine Shaft Woodruff Key for 7/8" Shafts
70807 (700137)
These keys are used in pairs for mounting 7/8" bore worm wheels. For reference they are 1/8" X 1/2", heat treated woodruff keys. Use them with worm wheels 36009, 33473 .

This same key is used in Gilson snowblowers with #18116, 7/8" bore worm wheels.

$1.00 per pair
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics
70807 Key

Friction Wheel for 4-Speed Front Tine Tillers
26350 (742279)
This friction wheel is used on 4-Speed front tine tillers to provide reverse. It features 3 unique embossed countersunk holes. It comes with new mounting screws and lock washers.

It is found on the following models: 51083, GIL-1575C, GIL-1575D, GIL-1575E, GIL-1585B, GIL-1585C, GIL-1585D, GIS-2045 A47, GIS-2045 A57, GIS-2045 A67

This part does not replace friction wheels numered #1318 and #4380 used on various vertical shaft front tine tillers.

For Snowblower, PowerBolt Log Splitters,and Super-8 Tractor applications the correct friction wheel is found here.

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Solution Graphics
26350 Friction Wheel for 4-Speed Front Tine Tillers

4-Speed Variable Sheave Shaft Bearing
17320 (700259)
17320 as installed in 4-speed front tine tillers

These bearings support the variable sheave shaft of 4-speed front tine tillers. They are shown as part "R" in the diagram. They are sold in pairs.

A retaining ring "S" is shown in the diagrams. The bearing includes a ring that serves this puropse and machines were built in this manner.

This same bearing is also used in 3 & 4-speed UniTrol Snowblowers and some single speed 2-stage models.

Bearing 17320

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

$37.00 per pair
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4-Speed Variable Sheave Liner Bearing
1097 (700542)
1097 as installed in 4-speed front tine tillers

These bearings are found in the sliding center sheave of 4-speed front tine tillers. They are shown as part "L" in the diagram. They are sold in pairs.

This replacement part will be slightly shorter (.030") than the original.

Bearing 1097

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

$20.00 per pair
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Bronze Roto Tiller Worm Wheels

#1299 (LawnBoy/Toro# 703217) 41 Tooth Worm Wheel See Here

#1626 (LawnBoy/Toro# 703230) 34 Tooth Worm Wheel See Here

#1004 (LawnBoy/Toro# 704000) 21 Tooth Worm Wheel See Here

#3751 (LawnBoy/Toro# 704308) Worm Wheel, 40 Tooth ***Discontinued***

#33267 (LawnBoy/Toro# 704693)Worm Wheel, 31 Tooth

#33473 (LawnBoy/Toro# 701015) 20 Tooth Worm Wheel See Here

#33566, 14558 (LawnBoy/Toro# 704727) 21 Tooth Worm Wheel See Here

#36009 (LawnBoy/Toro# 704793) 20 Tooth Worm Wheel See Here

Note: Snowblower worm gears are not compatible with tillers.

21 Tooth Worm Wheel 1004, G342, (704000)
1004 Worm Wheels
This 21-tooth bronze worm wheel is used in horizontal and vertical oil bath gear case models. It is the most common worm wheel in the Gilson tiller line. It has been discontinued as a factory part. I have worked with an original equipment supplier to cut these gears to the original specifications. They are direct replacements.

This gear is also a direct replacement for worm wheel numbers 33566, 14558, 704727

For reference this gear has an inside diameter of 1", outside diameter of 2-31/32" and is 7/8" thick. The table below lists many of the applicable models. If you do not see your model listed or if you have any questions contact us.

This gear will not work in a snowblower. For snowblower worm wheels see here.

This gear is used in the following worm drive assemblies:
10347, 89310, (742658)
10348, 89315, (742662)
10349, 89309, (742657)
10350, 89311, (742659)
10351, 89316, (741709)
10353, 89317, (742663)
26374, 89319, (742665)

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This Gear Fits the Following Models:
F10 120 09
10 200 01C
10 201 02V
10 202 02D
10 203 10
10 204 05DA
10 205 01C
10 206 02D
10 207 02V
10 208 05DA
10 209 09V
10 211 02
10 212 01
10 213 02
10 214 02
10 215 02
10 216 05
10 217 09
10 218 10
10 219 10
10 220 02
10 221 01
10 222 02
10 223 12
10 224 12
10 225 03
10 226 05F
10 228 05
10 229 03
10 231 04
10 232 05
10 234 04
10 235 04
10 236 01
10 237 01
10 238 02
10 238 02
10 239 02
10 241 05
10 243 01
10 244 12
10 245 01
10 247 03
10 248 04
10 249 10
10 300 01S
10 301 07SM
10 303 02J
10 304 03
10 305 01S
10 306 02J
10 307 07
10 308 08
10 309 03
10 310 03
10 312 01
10 313 02
10 317 01
10 318 02
10 320 04
10 321 04
10 323 01
10 324 01
10 325 02
10 326 02
10 327 03
10 328 06
10 329 04
10 330 04
10 331 01
10 332 01
10 333 06
10 334 02
10 335 02
10 336 01
10 337 01
10 338 13
10 339 06
10 340 12
10 341 10
10 342 23
10 343 01
10 344 03
10 345 04
10 346 04
10 347 01
10 348 02
10 349 01
10 350 04
10 353 01
10 354 02
10 356 04
10 358 12
10 359 13
10 361 02
10 361 06
10 362 01
10 364 02
10 365 13
10 367 12
10 368 01
10 369 02
10 370 05
10 371 01
10 372 12
10 374 01
10 375 04
10 375 06
10 376 02
10 377 01
10 388 13
10 395 12
10 396 22
10 397 03
10 398 06
10 399 01
10 400 01 SD
10 401 03
10 402 03
10 404 02JD
10 405 02
10 406 01SD
10 407 02JD
10 408 01
10 409 03
10 410 06
10 411 06
10 412 06
10 413 06
10 414 03
10 415 06
10 416 A03
10 416 B03
10 417 A03
10 417 B03
10 450 04
10 451 01
10 452 02
10 453 04
10 454 01
10 455 05
10 456 05
10 459 12
10 460 13
10 501 07U
10 502 09UR
10 503 05
10 504 11UA
10 505 12U
10 506 09
10 507 07
10 508 06V
10 509 06V
10 510 04
10 511 05
10 512 05
10 515 01
10 516 02
10 519 06
10 520 06
10 521 06
10 522 05
10 523 05
10 524 09
10 525 06
10 526 13
10 527 13
10 529 01
10 530 02
10 531 06
10 532 06
10 532 22
10 532 A06
10 533 03
10 534 05
10 535 13
10 536 06
10 536 10
10 537 04
10 538 01
10 539 05
10 540 02
10 541 01
10 542 06
10 542 13
10 543 10
10 544 01
10 545 25
10 546 22
1960 CA
1960 C
1960 D
1960 DA
1960 F
1960 G
1960 H
1960 J
1960 JD
1960 R
1960 S
1960 SC
1960 V A
1960 V B
1960 V C
1960 VD
1960 Z
202997 5
272 C
394 6
42 550 071/( 550)
42 550 820
42 550 842
42 551 304
44 0315
51023 A
51023 B
51080 C
51082 Z
551 42382
551 42475
60 4023 5
60 4023 A5
6548 4
6548 5
6550 4
6550 5
6652 5
6750 6
6751 6
AA 2
AA 2 A
AA 3 A
AA 4
AA 5
GIL 1575 A
GIL 1291 A
GIL 1313
GIL 1500 A
GIL 1545 A
GIL 1545 B
GIL 1545 C
GIL 1545 D
GIL 1565 E
GIL 1565 F
GIL 1565 G
GIL 1566 C
GIL 1567 A
GIL 1567 AB
GIL 1570
GIL 1570 A
GIL 1570 B
GIL 1571 A
GIL 1571 B
GIL 1572 A
GIL 1573 A
GIL 1574
GIL 1574 A
GIL 1574 B
GIL 1574 C
GIL 1575
GIL 1575 A
GIL 1575 B
GIL 1575 C
GIL 1575 D
GIL 1575 E
GIL 1577 A
GIL 1578 A
GIL 1578 B
GIL 1580 A
GIL 1580 B
GIL 1580 C
GIL 1580 D
GIL 1580 E
GIL 1580 F
GIL 1581 A
GIL 1584 A
GIL 1584 B
GIL 1584 C
GIL 1585
GIL 1585 A
GIL 1588 A
GIL 1588 B
GIL 1589 A
GIL 1593 A
GIL 1593 B
GIL 1593 C
GIL 1593 D
GIL 1598 B
GIL 4968
GIL 4968 A
GIS 2010 A37
GIS 2010 A37A
GIS 2010 A37B
GIS 2010 A47
GIS 2010 A57
GIS 2020 A37
GIS 2020 A47
GIS 2025 A47
GIS 2025 A57
GIS 2025 B57
GIS 2030 A37
GIS 2030 A47
GIS 2035 A08
GIS 2035 A18
GIS 2035 A47
GIS 2035 A67
GIS 2035 A77
GIS 2035 A87
GIS 2035 A97
GIS 2036 B57
GIS 6060
GIS 6170
GIS 6260
GIS 6270
GIS 6290
GIS 6390
GIS 6475
GIS 6485
GIS 6495
GIS 6496
GIS 6572
GIS 6572 A66
GIS 6575
GIS 6575 A66
GIS 6585
GIS 6595
GIS 6598
GIS 6672 A76
GIS 6672 A86
GIS 6685
GIS 6685 A07
GIS 6685 A17
GIS 6685 A27
GIS 6685 A66
GIS 6685 A76
GIS 6685 A86
GIS 6685 A96
GIS 6695 A66
GIS 6695 A76
GIS 6695 A86
GIS 6695 A96
GIS 6698 A66
GIS 6699 A66
GIS 6772 A07
GIS 6772 A17
GIS 6772 A96
GIS 6790 A76
GIS 6790 A86
GIS 6790 A96
GIS 6798 A76
GIS 6898 A07
GIS 6898 A17
GIS 6898 A27
GIS 6898 A86
GIS 6898 A96
GIS 6990 A07
GIS 6990 A17
GIS 6990 A27
GIS 6990 A96
GIS 6995 A07
GIS 6995 A96
GIS 7060 A27
HEO 844
HEO 846 6
HEO 854
HEO 854 5
HEO 857
HEO 857 2
HEO 863
HEO 863 4
HEO 875 C
HEO 877 B
HEO 879
HEO 879 19
HEO 879 9
RT 3
RT 5

21 Tooth Worm Wheel 33566, 14558 (704727)
Worm Wheel 33566 (704727)

Worm Wheel #33566

This 21-tooth bronze worm wheel is used in later model horizontal input oil bath gear case models. This gear is 7/8" wide at the hub, 5/8" wide at the face and has a 1" bore. It has been discontinued as a factory part however # 1004 21 Tooth Worm Wheel is a direct replacement.

This gear will not work in a snowblower. For snowblower worm wheels see here.

This Gear Fits the Following Models:
09GN 1023 5FFE
09GN 1023 5FFL
09GN 1023 84
09GN 1023 85
1580 K
481 1261
51174 (FT5GR)
GIL 1580 G
GIL 1580 H
GIL 1580 I
GIL 1580 J
GIL 39007 A
GIS 2025 A08
GIS 2025 A18
GIS 2025 A28
GIS 2025 A38
GIS 2025 A58
GIS 2025 A67
GIS 2025 A77
GIS 2025 A87

This gear is used in the following worm drive assemblies:
33711, 89317, 742663

#1003, G341, (703202) Worm Gear#1003
The steel worm gear usually survives a bronze worm wheel failure and can be reused. In cases of severe bearing failure or corrosion from water in the worm drive, replacement may be necessary. This gear mates with the following 21 tooth worm wheels; 1004 (704000) , 33566 (704727).

As of April 2024 this item is no longer available as a new factory part. Please Contact Us about current options.

1003 worm gear

34 Tooth Worm Wheel 1626 (703230)
Worm Wheel 1626 (703230)

Worm Wheel #1626

This 34-tooth bronze worm wheel is used in horizontal and vertical oil bath gear case models. They are made by an OEM supplier to the original specifications. This is a 1" bore gear. The table to the right lists applicable models.

This gear will not work in a snowblower. For snowblower worm wheels see here.

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Solution Graphics
This Gear Fits the Following Models:
09GN 1005
10 230 03
10 233 05
10 242 05
10 246 03
10 457 05
10 461 28
202997 6
44 0318
481 1279
51005 C
51005 X
51010 C
51010 X
6681 4
6681 5
6752 6
6753 6
A 555
B 555
GIL 1548 A
GIL 1558 A
GIL 1558 B
GIL 1558 C
GIL 1558 D
GIL 1566 A
GIL 1576 A
GIL 1581 B
GIL 1585 B
GIL 1585 C
GIL 1585 D
GIL 1590 A
GIL 1590 B
GIL 1594 A
GIL 1594 B
GIL 1595 E
GIL 1595 F
GIS 2040 A37
GIS 2040 A47
GIS 2045 A47
GIS 2045 A57
GIS 2045 A67
GIS 6899 A86
GIS 6899 A96
GIS 6999 A96
GIS 7060 A07
GIS 7060 A17
HEO 889 4
HEO 890 1
This gear is used in the following worm drive assemblies:
26376, 89320 (742666)
10354, 89313 (742660)

41 Tooth Worm Wheel 1299 (703217)
Worm Wheel 1299 (703217)

Worm Wheel #1299

This 41-tooth bronze worm wheel is used in vertical oil bath gear case models. They are made by an OEM supplier to the original specifications. This is a 1" bore gear. The table to the right lists applicable models.

This gear will not work in a snowblower. For snowblower worm wheels see here.

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Solution Graphics
This Gear Fits the Following Models:
10 100 C11
10 101 02E
10 102 02P
10 103 04
10 104 03
10 105 05E
10 106 05E
10 107 01
10 108 02E
10 109 07
10 110 07
10 111 04
10 112 02P
10 113 02
10 114 02
10 115 03
10 116 03
10 116 08
10 117 06V
10 121 01
10 122 02
10 123 02
10 124 06
10 126 05
10 127 10
10 128 02
10 129 03
10 130 01
10 131 02
10 132 06
10 133 13
10 134 12
10 135 06
10 135 22
10 136 03
10 137 06
10 138 03
10 150 06I
10 152 06
10 153 09
10 154 06
117 3 FFE
118 3
119 3
140 3FPB
1960 E A
1960 E B
1960 I
1960 P A
1960 P B
1960 P C
202997 4
51014 A
AA 1
GIL 1503 B
GIL 1530 A
GIL 1530 B
GIL 1530 C
GIL 1531 A
GIL 1531 B
GIL 1532 A
GIL 1532 B
GIL 1550 A
GIL 1550 B
GIL 1560 A
GIL 1565
GIL 1565 A
GIL 1565 B
GIL 1565 C
GIL 1565 D
GIS 2005 A37
GIS 2005 A47
GIS 2005 A57
GIS 2005 B57
GIS 6160
HEO 824
HEO 824 2
HEO 826 0
HEO 837
HEO 837 7
This gear is used in the following worm drive assemblies:
10355, 89314 (742661)

20 Tooth Worm Wheel 36009 (704793)
Worm Wheel 36009 (704793)

Worm Wheel #36009

This 20-tooth bronze worm wheel is used in vertical input gease packed gear case models. This is a 7/8" bore gear.They are made by an OEM supplier to the original specifications. The table to the right lists applicable models.

There is another compact tiller worm wheel that is very similar. Be sure to reference your model number or contact us before ordering.

This gear will not work in a snowblower. For snowblower worm wheels see here.

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This Gear Fits the Following Models:
09GN 1105
51105 Z
51110 Z
GIL 39002 A

This gear is used in worm drive assembly 36059, 89879, 742753.

Compact Tiller Worm Drive 36059

20 Tooth Worm Wheel 33473 (701015)
Worm Wheel 33473 (701015)

Worm Wheel #33473

This 20-tooth bronze worm wheel is used in horizontal input gease packed gear case models. This is a 7/8" bore gear.They are made by an OEM supplier to the original specifications. The table to the right lists applicable models.

There is another compact tiller worm wheel that is very similar. Be sure to reference your model number or contact me before ordering.

This gear will not work in a snowblower. For snowblower worm wheels see here.

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This Gear Fits the Following Models:
481 1246
51102 Z
60 4032
GIL 39000 A
GIL 39000 B
GIL 39000 C
GIS 2000 A67
GIS 2000 A77
GIS 2000 A87

This gear is used in worm drive assemblies:

33626 Worm Drive

Seal kit 89448 can be used when replacing this gear.

89448 (742696) Seal and Rivet Replacement Kit - Modified Content
Fits Listed Horizontal Shaft Compact Tillers
Seal Set  89448

Includes the following parts:
18083 Tine Shaft Seal (2)
33592 Felt Seal (4)
33590 Washer (2) (use between 33592 felts)
33591 Felt Seal (2)
33588 Input shaft seal (1)
Bolt set to replace drilled out rivets

This seal set is for the compact horizontal tiller models listed. The gasket is not available. Reuse the old gasket or craft one from gasket stock. Do not use only RTV as this will allow the case to crush internal parts. New 33590 washers are included. These washers are installed between the 33592 felts to form a sandwich on each side. Stainless steel bolts, washers and locknuts are provided to replace the rivets that will be drilled out for disassembly.

$45.00 Each
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations<

PayPal Payment Options Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover

This kit can be used when replacing worm wheel 33473.

Fits the following Models:
481 1246
51102 Z
51170 (FT2G)
60 4032 7
GIL 39000 A
GIL 39000 B
GIL 39000 C
GIS 2000 A67
GIS 2000 A77
GIS 2000 A87

This kit is used in worm drive assemblies:

33471 (701013) Die Cast Worm Drive Bushing Kit
Original 33471 Impeller shaft Bearings
These bushings are used in the die cast worm drive housings pictured below to support the worm/input shaft. The original part includes a gusset at the flange that keeps the bushing from rotating in the housing. The replacement comes with Loctite formulated to work with oily parts to prevent rotation. Make sure the contact surfaces of your housing are clean and don't let the loctite bond to the shaft. The material is standard SAE 841 Oil-Impregnated Powdered Bronze sized slightly longer for more bearing surface. They are sold in pairs and come with a tube of Loctite.

33626 Worm Drive

$30.50 per set
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PayPal Payment Options Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover

Note: This part is not confirmed as a replacement for # 36042 (704799) used in another compact tiller worm drive.

33471 Worm Input Shaft bearngs

Replacement Part

Forward Belt Idler Roller Liner Bearing for
1992 (741200)
These are replacement bearing sleeves for these belt tensioning idler rollers. This roller is commonly used on models with one forward speed. I do not have complete idler rollers available and they have been discontinued as factory parts.

Service bulletin 92 has important lubrication information.

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1992 Forward Belt Idler Roller Liner Bearing

Forward Belt Idler Roller Liner Bearing for
6681 (741208)
These are replacement bearing sleeves for these belt tensioning idler rollers. This roller is commonly used on models with two forward speeds. These machines have 3 groove pulleys with 2 ratios for forward. I do not have complete idler rollers available and they have been discontinued as factory parts.

Service bulletin 92 has important lubrication information.

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6681 Forward Belt Idler Roller Liner Bearing

Reverse Idler Roller Liner Bearing for
12438 (741242)
These are replacement bearing sleeves for these reverse belt tensioning idler rollers. I do not have complete idler rollers available and they have been discontinued as factory parts.

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Prior to 1962 part# 1113, previously numbered EB308 was the common reverse idler roller. #12438 replaced this part and they are interchangable. I do not know what #1113 has for a bearing. If you have one of these models I'd welcome working with you to answer this question.
12438 Reverse Belt Idler Liner Bearing

Idler Pulley Assemby (Rear Tine and Compact Tillers)
33632 (740051)
These idler roller assemblies are used in rear tine tiller models and a number of compact models. They can be ordered individually or in discounted sets of 4 using the pulldown.

They are also used in Gilson Snow Cannons.

Singles: $35.00
Set of 4: $129.00
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33632 rear Tine Tiller Idler

3917 Retaining Ring
Retaining Ring 3917 (700091)
This 5/8" external retaining ring is used to mount idler #33632 and is also used elsewhere on Gilson equipment.

Washer 11412 (700317) (USED)
This washer is used alongside idler #33632 and is also used elsewhere on Gilson equipment. Washers may be stained but they are flat with no appreciable wear, They come from a different Gilson application.

$2.00 Each
11412 Washer


This a listing of Gilson tiller tines that I have identified and tracked. I believe anything that is still avilable is remaining factory stock so if you have a need, do not hesitate. Prices are per piece, not per set. If you are looking for a number I do not have listed please contact me so I can research it and add it to the list. All tines are sold by and ship from M&D Mower.

Right Hand Tine #1061, Discontinued
Left Hand Tine #1062, Discontinued

Right Hand 12" Bolo Tine #1329 (703223), Discontinued
Left Hand 12" Bolo Tine #1330 (703224), Discontinued

Right Hand 14" Bolo Tine #3389 (704050), Discontinued
Left Hand 14" Bolo Tine #3390 (703283), Discontinued

Right Hand Slasher Tine #3747 (703257), Discontinued
Left Hand Slasher Tine #3748 (703258), Discontinued

Horizontal Drive, Compact Tiller Right Hand Spring Tine #33616 (700875), Discontinued
Horizontal Drive, Compact Tiller Left Hand Spring Tine #33617 (700876), Discontinued

Vertical Drive, Compact Tiller Right Hand 11" Spring Tine #35870 (704782) , Discontinued
Vertical Drive, Compact Tiller Left Hand 11" Spring Tine #35871 (704783)

Right Hand Tine #200425 (702214), Discontinued
Left Hand Tine #200426 (702361), Discontinued

Right Hand Tine Assembly #208189, Discontinued
Left Hand Tine Assembly #208192, Discontinued

Right Hand 12" Bolo Tine #208354 (705943), Discontinued
Left Hand 12" Bolo Tine #208355 (705944), Discontinued

Right Hand 12" Bolo Tine #214591 (705943), Discontinued
Left Hand 12" Bolo Tine #214592 (705944), Discontinued

Right Hand 12" Bolo Tine #214593 (702360), Discontinued
Left Hand 12" Bolo Tine #214594 (702361), Discontinued

Compact Chain Drive Tillers, Right Hand 10" Spring Steel Tine #216970 (706027), Discontinued
Compact Chain Drive Tillers, Left Hand 10" Spring Steel Tine #216971 (706028), Discontinued

Right Hand Tine #244200 (702214), Discontinued
Left Hand Tine #244201 (702215), Discontinued

Left & Right Hand Tines
The terms "left" and "right" hand for tiller tines can seem complicated with the many mounting orientations but ultimately it is quite simple.

Left and right hand tines are identified from the operating position, not by looking at the front of the machine. As mounted, right hand tines will hook to the right. Left hand tines will hook to the left.

5/8" Retaining Ring
3917 (700091)
This 5/8" external retaining ring is used to mount idler #33632 and is also used elsewhere on Gilson equipment.

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3917 5/8

Chain Case Input Bearings
208174 (701892)
These bearings support the input shaft in some chain drive chain cases. These are found on select front and rear tine models. There are at least 2 other different bearings used on other models so be sure to confirm the part number before ordering. If you do not have a manual or illustrated parts list please see here or contact me.

Price per pair (2)
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208174 Chain case input bearing

Chain Case Input Bearing Seal
9230 (703333)
These seals are used on the input shaft in some chain drive chain cases. These are also found on select front and rear tine models. This seal is thinner than the original, however it's a suitable replacement. Reference shaft size is 5/8". It does not fit all chain cases so consult your illustrated parts list. If you do not have a manual or illustrated parts list please see here or contact me.

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9230 Chain case input seal

Chain Case Input Bearing Seal
27085 (704546)
These seals are used on the input shaft in some chain drive chain cases. It is a direct replacement. Reference shaft size is 3/4". It does not fit all chain cases so consult your illustrated parts list. If you do not have a manual or illustrated parts list please see here or contact me.

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27085 Chain case input seal

Chain Case Input Bearing Seal
208176 (701776)
These seals are used on the input shaft in some chain drive chain cases. These are also found on select front and rear tine models. This seal is a little thinner than the original, however it's a suitable replacement. Reference shaft size is 11/16". It does not fit all chain cases so consult your illustrated parts list. If you do not have a manual or illustrated parts list please see here or contact me.

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208176 Chain case input seal

Chain Case 1" Tine Shaft Bearing
208173 (705478)
These 1 inch needle bearing assemblies are used for the tine shafts in many chain drive tillers. They are sold as pairs of 2 bearings. Be sure to confirm the part number in your manaual. If you do not have a manual or illustrated parts list please see here or contact me.

Price per pair (2)
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28173 Chain Case 1

Sprocket Assembly Bearings
27087 (701848)
27087 Sprocket Assembly Bearings

These bearings are used in the chain drive sprocket assemblies as shown with the green elipse in the picture to the right. Reference shaft size is 1/2". They are sold as pairs of 2 bearings. They do not fit all chain cases, so consult your illustrated parts list. If you do not have a manual or illustrated parts list please see here or contact me.

Price per pair (2)
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27087 27087 Sprocket Assembly Bearings

Garden Tiller Belts

The following is a list of Gilson tiller belts. Where OEM belts are still available I have provided ordering links. Wherever possible the OEM belt will be your best solution. They are engineered to cope with back side idlers, and in some cases figure eight routings. They are also made to the correct length which is rarely a stock even inch size and the profile is controlled for a factory fit.

Aftermarket belts with the Add to Cart button I stock and ship. You can order these together with any other parts on this page. These are solid & wrapped power rated belts.

Genuine belts with text links will take you to M&D Mower. I partner with M&D to provide genuine parts. These will be a seperate order.

Click for Snow Blower Belts

4 Digit Numbers

#1040 (LawnBoy/Toro#704005), Forward Belt

Gilson #1110, EA333 (LawnBoy/Toro #704008), Forward Belt
Genuine Belt Ordering Link
Fits the following models: 09GN 1023 5FFE, 09GN 1023 5FFL, 09GN 1023 84, 09GN 1023 85, 10 120 09, 10 138 03, 10 200 01C, 10 201 02V, 10 202 02D, 10 203 10, 10 204 05DA, 10 205 01C, 10 206 02D, 10 207 02V, 10 208 05DA, 10 209 09V, 10 212 01, 10 213 02, 10 214 02, 10 215 02, 10 216 05, 10 217 09, 10 218 10, 10 219 10, 10 220 02, 10 221 01, 10 222 02, 10 223 12, 10 224 12, 10 225 03, 10 226 05F, 10 228 05, 10 229 03, 10 231 04, 10 232 05, 10 234 04, 10 235 04, 10 236 01, 10 237 01, 10 238 02, 10 238 02, 10 239 02, 10 241 05, 10 243 01, 10 244 12, 10 245 01, 10 247 03, 10 248 04, 10 249 10, 10 370 05, 10 450 04, 10 451 01, 10 452 02, 10 453 04, 10 454 01, 10 455 05, 10 456 05, 10 459 12, 10 460 13, 10 501 07U, 10 502 09UR, 10 503 05, 10 504 11UA, 10 505 12U, 10 506 09, 10 507 07, 10 508 06V, 10 509 06V, 10 511 05, 10 512 05, 10 515 01, 10 516 02, 10 519 06, 10 520 06, 10 521 06, 10 522 05, 10 523 05, 10 524 09, 10 525 06, 10 526 13, 10 527 13, 10 529 01, 10 530 02, 10 531 06, 10 532 06, 10 532 22, 10 532 A06, 10 533 03, 10 534 05, 10 535 13, 10 536 06, 10 536 10, 10 537 04, 10 538 01, 10 539 05, 10 540 02, 10 541 01, 10 542 06, 10 542 13, 10 543 10, 10 544 01, 10 545 25, 10 546 22, 1580 K, 1960 C, 1960 D, 1960 V A, 1960 V B, 1960 V C, 1960 VD, 227, 245, 272, 300, 42 550 071/( 550), 42 550 820, 42 550 842, 42 551 304, 44 0315, 440, 441, 451, 452, 454, 481 1261, 500, 550, 51002, 51003, 51007, 51008, 51016, 51021, 51022, 51023 A, 51023 B, 51025, 51028, 51032, 51040, 51041, 51047, 51050, 51051, 51055, 51064, 51076, 51081, 51082, 51082 Z, 51087, 51088, 51090, 51092, 51097, 51097A , 51098, 51101, 51111, 51126, 51174, 519, 528, 547, 551 42304, 551 42382, 551 42475, 553, 557, 558, 60 4023 4, 60 4023 5, 60 4023 A5, 6548 4, 6548 5, 6550 4, 6550 5, 6652 5, 6750 6, 6751 6, 6800, 6801, 6802, 6809, 6810, 7823 (GT5), AA 2, AA 2 5FFB, AA 2 5FFL, AAS 2, GIL 1545 A, GIL 1545 B, GIL 1545 C, GIL 1545 D, GIL 1565 E, GIL 1565 F, GIL 1565 G, GIL 1567 A, GIL 1567 AB, GIL 1572 A, GIL 1573 A, GIL 1580 A, GIL 1580 B, GIL 1580 C, GIL 1580 D, GIL 1580 E, GIL 1580 F, GIL 1580 G, GIL 1580 H, GIL 1580 I, GIL 1580 J, GIL 1585, GIL 1585 A, GIL 1589 A, GIL 1593 A, GIL 1593 B, GIL 1593 C, GIL 1593 D, GIL 1594 B, GIL 39007 A, GIS 2010 A37, GIS 2010 A37A, GIS 2010 A37B, GIS 2010 A47, GIS 2010 A57, GIS 2020 A37, GIS 2020 A47, GIS 2025 A08, GIS 2025 A18, GIS 2025 A28, GIS 2025 A38, GIS 2025 A47, GIS 2025 A57, GIS 2025 A58, GIS 2025 A67, GIS 2025 A77, GIS 2025 A87, GIS 2025 B57, GIS 2030 A37, GIS 2030 A47, GIS 2035 A08, GIS 2035 A18, GIS 2035 A47, GIS 2035 A67, GIS 2035 A77, GIS 2035 A87, GIS 2035 A97, GIS 2036 B57, GIS 6170, GIS 6485, GIS 6572, GIS 6572 A66, GIS 6585, GIS 6598, GIS 6672 A76, GIS 6672 A86, GIS 6685, GIS 6685 A07, GIS 6685 A17, GIS 6685 A27, GIS 6685 A66, GIS 6685 A76, GIS 6685 A86, GIS 6685 A96, GIS 6698 A66, GIS 6772 A07, GIS 6772 A17, GIS 6772 A96, GIS 6790 A76, GIS 6790 A86, GIS 6790 A96, GIS 6798 A76, GIS 6898 A07, GIS 6898 A17, GIS 6898 A27, GIS 6898 A86, GIS 6898 A96, GIS 6990 A07, GIS 6990 A17, GIS 6990 A27, GIS 6990 A96, HEO 844, HEO 846 6, HEO 854, HEO 854 5, HEO 857, HEO 857 2, RT 3, RT 5 Also fits comparable export models.

#1254, EA334 (LawnBoy/Toro#703216), Reverse Belt, Discontinued, 3/8" DIAMETER X 37 inches, web search "Gates #8820-1238".

#1526 (LawnBoy/Toro#703226), Forward Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

#1704, Forward Belt * Discontinued* no known Aftermarket crossover

Gilson #2435 (LawnBoy/Toro#703240), Forward Belt
Genuine is discontinued
Fits the following models: 09GN 1005, 10 230 03, 10 233 05, 10 242 05, 10 246 03, 10 457 05, 10 458 05, 10 461 28, 202997 5, 202997 6, 41066, 44 0318, 443, 462, 463, 464, 465, 481 1279, 51005 C, 51005 X, 51010 C, 51010 X, 51017, 51030, 51033, 51052, 51065, 51085, 51112, 549, 552, 554, 556, 6681 4, 6681 5, 6752 6, 6753 6, 6803, 6811, 6920, A 555, AA 4 , AA 4 8FFB, AAS 4, B 555, GIL 1548 A, GIL 1558 A, GIL 1558 B, GIL 1558 C, GIL 1558 D, GIL 1576 A, GIL 1581 B, GIL 1590 A, GIL 1590 B, GIL 1594 A, GIL 1595 E, GIL 1595 F, GIS 2040 A37, GIS 2040 A47, GIS 6899 A86, GIS 6899 A96, GIS 6999 A96, GIS 7060 A07, GIS 7060 A17, GIS 7060 A27, HEO 889 4, HEO 890 1 Also fits comparable export models.

#3114 (LawnBoy/Toro#704046), Forward Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Size: 1/2" X 17" Power Rated, web search "Gates # 6817" .

Gilson #3660 (LawnBoy/Toro#704057), Forward Belt
Genuine is discontinued
Fits the following models: 10 350 04, 10 353 01, 10 354 02, 10 356 04, 10 358 12, 10 359 13, 10 361 02, 10 361 06, 10 361 22, 10 362 01, 10 364 02, 10 365 13, 10 367 12, 10 368 01, 10 369 02, 10 371 01, 10 372 12, 10 374 01, 10 375 04, 10 375 06, 10 376 02, 10 377 01, 363, 378, 379, 381, 51004, 51009, 51077, 51079, AA 5, GIL 1595 A, GIS 6290, GIS 6390, GIS 6496, GIS 6699 A66, HEO 863, HEO 863 4 Also fits comparable export models.

#3866 (LawnBoy/Toro#N/A), Forward Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

Gilson #4051 (LawnBoy/Toro#704070), Reverse Belt
Genuine is discontinued
Fits the following models: 10 254 01, 10 255 02, 10 256 01, 10 257 02, 10 258 05, 10 261 01, 10 262 01, 10 262 02, 10 263 05, 10 264 05, 10 265 01, 10 266 01, 10 267 20, 10 268 01, 10 269 01, 10 270 05, 10 271 03, 144, 144 C, 145, 145 C, 267 , 268, 269, 274, 391, 392, 393, 51019, 51020, 51024, 6547 5, 6680, 6682 4, 6683 5, 6754 6, 6804, GIL 1579 A Also fits comparable export models.

#4052 (LawnBoy/Toro# N/A), Forward Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

Gilson #6163 (LawnBoy/Toro# 703298), Reverse Belt
Genuine Belt Ordering Link
Fits the following models: 09GN 1023 5FFE, 09GN 1023 5FFL, 09GN 1023 84, 09GN 1023 85, 10 138 03, 10 221 01, 10 222 02, 10 223 12, 10 224 12, 10 229 03, 10 231 04, 10 232 05, 10 234 04, 10 235 04, 10 236 01, 10 237 01, 10 238 02, 10 238 02, 10 239 02, 10 241 05, 10 243 01, 10 244 12, 10 245 01, 10 247 03, 10 248 04, 10 249 10, 10 370 05, 10 450 04, 10 451 01, 10 452 02, 10 453 04, 10 454 01, 10 455 05, 10 456 05, 10 459 12, 10 460 13, 10 502 09UR, 10 529 01, 10 530 02, 10 531 06, 10 532 06, 10 532 22, 10 532 A06, 10 533 03, 10 534 05, 10 535 13, 10 536 06, 10 536 10, 10 537 04, 10 538 01, 10 539 05, 10 540 02, 10 541 01, 10 542 06, 10 542 13, 10 543 10, 10 544 01, 10 545 25, 10 546 22, 1580 K, 245, 272, 300, 42 550 071/( 550), 42 550 820, 42 550 842, 42 551 304, 44 0315, 440, 441, 451, 452, 454, 481 1261, 500, 550, 51002, 51003, 51007, 51008, 51016, 51021, 51022, 51023 A, 51023 B, 51025, 51028, 51032, 51040, 51041, 51047, 51050, 51051, 51055, 51064, 51076, 51081, 51082, 51082 Z, 51087, 51088, 51090, 51092, 51097, 51097A , 51098, 51101, 51111, 51126, 51174, 547, 551 42304, 551 42382, 551 42475, 553, 557, 558, 60 4023 4, 60 4023 5, 60 4023 A5, 6548 4, 6548 5, 6550 4, 6550 5, 6652 5, 6750 6, 6751 6, 6800, 6801, 6802, 6809, 6810, 7823 (GT5), AA 2, AA 2 5FFB, AA 2 5FFL, AAS 2, GIL 1545 A, GIL 1545 B, GIL 1545 C, GIL 1545 D, GIL 1565 E, GIL 1565 F, GIL 1565 G, GIL 1572 A, GIL 1573 A, GIL 1580 A, GIL 1580 B, GIL 1580 C, GIL 1580 D, GIL 1580 E, GIL 1580 F, GIL 1580 G, GIL 1580 H, GIL 1580 I, GIL 1580 J, GIL 1589 A, GIL 1593 A, GIL 1593 B, GIL 1593 C, GIL 1593 D, GIL 1594 B, GIL 39007 A, GIS 2020 A37, GIS 2020 A47, GIS 2025 A08, GIS 2025 A18, GIS 2025 A28, GIS 2025 A38, GIS 2025 A47, GIS 2025 A57, GIS 2025 A58, GIS 2025 A67, GIS 2025 A77, GIS 2025 A87, GIS 2025 B57, GIS 2030 A37, GIS 2030 A47, GIS 2035 A08, GIS 2035 A18, GIS 2035 A47, GIS 2035 A67, GIS 2035 A77, GIS 2035 A87, GIS 2035 A97, GIS 2036 B57, GIS 6485, GIS 6572, GIS 6572 A66, GIS 6585, GIS 6598, GIS 6672 A76, GIS 6672 A86, GIS 6685, GIS 6685 A07, GIS 6685 A17, GIS 6685 A27, GIS 6685 A66, GIS 6685 A76, GIS 6685 A86, GIS 6685 A96, GIS 6698 A66, GIS 6772 A07, GIS 6772 A17, GIS 6772 A96, GIS 6790 A76, GIS 6790 A86, GIS 6790 A96, GIS 6798 A76, GIS 6898 A07, GIS 6898 A17, GIS 6898 A27, GIS 6898 A86, GIS 6898 A96, GIS 6990 A07, GIS 6990 A17, GIS 6990 A27, GIS 6990 A96, HEO 844, HEO 846 6, HEO 854, HEO 854 5, HEO 857, HEO 857 2, RT 3, RT 5 Also fits comparable export models.

Gilson #6184 (LawnBoy/Toro#703307), Reverse Belt
Genuine is discontinued
Fits the following models: 09GN 1005, 10 230 03, 10 233 05, 10 242 05, 10 246 03, 10 457 05, 10 458 05, 10 461 28, 202997 5, 202997 6, 41066, 44 0318, 443, 462, 463, 464, 465, 481 1279, 51005 C, 51005 X, 51010 C, 51010 X, 51017, 51030, 51033, 51052, 51065, 51085, 51112, 549, 552, 554, 556, 6681 4, 6681 5, 6752 6, 6753 6, 6803, 6811, 6920, A 555, AA 4 , AA 4 8FFB, AAS 4, B 555, GIL 1548 A, GIL 1558 A, GIL 1558 B, GIL 1558 C, GIL 1558 D, GIL 1576 A, GIL 1581 B, GIL 1590 A, GIL 1590 B, GIL 1594 A, GIL 1595 E, GIL 1595 F, GIS 2040 A37, GIS 2040 A47, GIS 6899 A86, GIS 6899 A96, GIS 6999 A96, GIS 7060 A07, GIS 7060 A17, GIS 7060 A27, HEO 889 4, HEO 890 1 Also fits comparable export models.

Gilson #7740 (LawnBoy/Toro# N/A), Forward Belt
Genuine is discontinued
Fits the following models:10 240 03, 548, GIL 1582 A, GIL 1582 B, GIL 1596, GIL 1596 A Also fits comparable export models.

#7838 (LawnBoy/Toro#N/A), Reverse Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

#9301 (LawnBoy/Toro#704132), Forward Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

#9308, Reverse Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

#9304 (LawnBoy/Toro#703335), Forward Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

5 Digit Numbers

Gilson #14706 (LawnBoy/Toro#703612), Forward Belt
Genuine is discontinued
Fits the following models: 51123, 51139, GIL 33365 A, GIS 2110 A08, GIS 2110 A18, GIS 2110 A97 Also fits comparable export models.

#23141, Reverse Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

Gilson #26344 (LawnBoy/Toro #704519), Upper Belt
Genuine is discontinued
Fits the following models: 51083, GIL 1575 C, GIL 1575 D, GIL 1575 E, GIL 1585 B, GIL 1585 C, GIL 1585 D, GIS 2045 A47, GIS 2045 A57, GIS 2045 A67 Also fits comparable export models.

Gilson #26345 (LawnBoy/Toro#704520), Lower Belt
Genuine Belt Ordering Link
Fits the following models: 51083, GIL 1575 C, GIL 1575 D, GIL 1575 E, GIL 1585 B, GIL 1585 C, GIL 1585 D, GIS 2045 A47, GIS 2045 A57, GIS 2045 A67 Also fits comparable export models.

#27093 (LawnBoy/Toro#704548), Forward Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

#28673 (LawnBoy/Toro#704593), Forward Belt

Gilson #33622, 33622 (LawnBoy/Toro #700860),Forward Belt
Genuine Belt Ordering Link
Fits the following models: 481 1246, 51095, 51102, 51102Z, 51170, (FT2G), 51194 , 60 4032 7, GIL 39000 A, GIL 39000 B, GIL 39000 C, GIS 2000 A67, GIS 2000 A77, GIS 2000 A87 Also fits comparable export models.

#35901 (LawnBoy/Toro#704786), Forward Belt

#36019 (LawnBoy/Toro#704794), Forward Belt

#38557 (LawnBoy/Toro#708577), Forward Belt

6 Digit Numbers

#200554 (LawnBoy/Toro#702603), Tine Belt

#200555 (LawnBoy/Toro#705361), Traction Belt

#207159 (LawnBoy/Toro#700370 ), Forward Belt

#207957 (LawnBoy/Toro#705460), Reverse Belt, Discontinued, no known Aftermarket crossover

#208301 (LawnBoy/Toro#705484), Forward Belt

#208525 (LawnBoy/Toro#705507), Reverse Belt

#208526 (LawnBoy/Toro#705508), Traction Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

#208527 (LawnBoy/Toro#705509), Tines / Forward Belt

#208625 (LawnBoy/Toro#705520), Traction Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

Gilson #208626, #208626 (LawnBoy/Toro#701798), Reverse Belt
Genuine is discontinued
Fits the following models: 400081, 5056 34, 5056 44, 5056 54, 51143, 51143 A / 80-81, 51173 (FT5CR), 51173 (FT5CR), 51173 / 82-83, 51173/ 83-84, 51173 (FT5CR), 51173 (FT5CR), 51196 (FT5CR), 58070, 600081, GIL 39011 A, GIL 39011 B, GIL 39011 C, GIL 39011 D, GIS 2020 A18, GIS 2022 A28, GIS 2022 A38 Also fits comparable export models.

#213926 (LawnBoy/Toro#705920), Traction Belt, Discontinued, no known Aftermarket crossover

#234594 (LawnBoy/Toro#702553), Traction Belt

Gilson #237985, #237985 (LawnBoy/Toro#701449), Forward Belt
Genuine is discontinued
Fits the following models: 5050 54, 51181 (FT5C), GIS 2008 A58 Also fits comparable export models.

#238375 (LawnBoy/Toro#707260), Reverse Belt

#240684 (LawnBoy/Toro#702604), Traction Belt *Discontinued* Aftermarket Crossover

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Knob / Clutch Lever Handle, Shift Lever Handle
11966 (701879)
Knob 11966
These are the knobs used on some of the following models;
  • Most 1 and 2 speed, gear drive, 2 stage snowblowers, traction belt tensioner (Some have longer fine thread knobs)
  • Most 1 and 2 speed, gear drive, 2 stage snowblowers, Fwd. / Rev. (Some have longer fine thread knobs)
  • Many compact, 2 stage, single speed models (Some have longer knobs)
  • Some Roto Tillers
They are Gilson #11966 and became LawnBoy/Toro # 701879. These are 3" long with 3/8-16 coarse threads recessed in the handle. Consult your illustrated parts list or contact me with questions.

These are used knobs. They have been lightly polished to restore their appearance but pitting from weather and light tool marks are to be expected. Contact me for other knobs, I have most in limited quantity.

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

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Shift Lever Handle Knob
2555 (703246)
Knob 2555
These are the knobs used on some of the following models;
  • Some compact, 2 stage, single speed models (Most have shorter knobs)
  • Some Roto Tillers
They are Gilson #2555 and became LawnBoy/Toro # 703246. These are 3-7/8" long with 7/16-14 coarse threads recessed 1" up into in the handle. Consult your illustrated parts list or contact me with questions.

These are new knobs. Contact me for other knobs, I have most in limited quantity.

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics

Illustrated Parts Lists, Service Manuals and Owners Manuals

I have had the final Gilson roto-tiller and snowblower microfiche illustrated parts list library digitized and offer copies in PDF format for your use. I have also accumulated a library of owner's manuals, factory service manuals, engine breakdowns and related documents. Documentation packages include everything that I have available for your model. At a minimum you will get the Gilson illustrated parts lists. Allow 24 hours for me to organize and send your files. I provide Briggs and Stratton illustrated parts lists however the service manuals are copyrighted publications that I cannot include. Please see this page for engine repair procedure resources.

In order to help recover the cost of digitizing and retrieving your information, there is a $10. fee. All documents will come by email in PDF format which can be viewed on any computer with a free viewer you probably already have. The digitizing process captures minute detail including blemishes, but the information is preserved and accessible. Here is a sample diagram, most are better a few are fainter. If you should ever have difficulty deciphering something I'm happy to help.

For models sold outside of the United States I can usually make a cross reference to a comparable U.S. model. Cross references may not include special export features such as battery powered electric starting, bucket extension visor or wrap around handle but it is otherwise the same machine.

Gilson Model Identification Sticker

Express ordering can be combined with any other parts you add to your cart.

1. Locate your machine's model number. This is the number circled in green in the illustation shown above. Do not use numbers that are on graphic decals or engine numbers.
2. Enter your model number in the box below, click "Add to Cart" and complete the $10.00 payment.
3. I will gather your files and send them by return email.

Model Number:
If for some reason I cannot provide documentation for your model I'll promptly issue a refund (this is rare). In some cases I may follow-up with questions to clarify what you have for a machine.


1. Send me an e-mail message with your machine's model number. This is the number located on the Gilson ID tag. Do not use numbers that are on graphic decals like ST-826 or engine numbers.
2. I will confirm that your model number is in my library and let you know what I can provide.
3. Follow the link in my email to order the documentation.
4. When I receive your payment, I will gather the files and send them by return email.

You may also contact LawnBoy, they have the Gilson archives and can sometimes supply reprints of the owner's manuals. Call LawnBoy Customer Support directly at 1-800-526-6937.

"S", "C", and "Box frame" Series Tractor, 40 inch Tiller Attachments
S Series Tiller Attachment
These 40 inch shaft and/or belt driven tiller attachments fit the "S", "C", and "Box frame" series garden tractors. Common available parts are listed below. Other parts can be researched on request with part numbers from your diagram.

Models were sold as Gilson, Montgomery Ward and Ford under the following numbers: 63606A, GIL-33429B, 782, 63525, GIL-33095A, 746, GIL-33055A, 63579, GIL-33219A, 63558, GIL-33163A, 63606, GIL-33429A, GIL-33095B, 63553, 63631, GIL-33498A, 09GN 3664. Some attachment tags will include multiple model numbers to align with the different bands selling the same item.

Documentation, including part diagrams and service manuals
can be ordered here.

Gilson Model Identification Sticker

I also have limited documentation for other belt driven or self powered Gilson tractor tiller attachments.

Available Parts
Input Seal 1117
Input Seal
Tine Shaft Seal 4332
Tine Shaft Seal
Felt Seal 1055
Felt Seal
Felt Seal 1056
Felt Seal
O-Ring 1792

Vent Plug 1034
Vent Plug

Internal Seal
27538 (703820)

Gear Case Gasket
14993 (703826)

End Cover Gasket
12564 (703807)

Attachment Tine Shaft Seal
4332 (703274)
This 1-1/4" inside diameter seal is used on the tine shaft of Gilson built 40" tractor tiller attachments
In Stock for Immediate Shipment

$14.50 each
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Select Quantity
Seal 4332

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Recognizing MTD clones of Gilson Tillers
A page illustrating key features can be reached with this link.

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Created May 4, 2014 - Updated July 9, 2024