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Repair Parts for Your Gilson Snowblower
The Gilson Snowblower Shop

Except where stated this site is in no way affiliated with any of the products or companies mentioned or depicted within except as noted.

Blower System Parts
Shear Pins

Gilson part number 10417 is now LawnBoy/Toro # 700280 and can be ordered with this link. This pin was used on oil bath worm drives except for very late model units that call for the grooved 218471 pin shown below. These drives have with 1 inch auger shafts. This is a straight 5/16" pin.

Gilson part number 14915 which became LawnBoy/Toro # 703160 has been discontinued. This pin was used on all of the grease packed smaller worm drives with 7/8 inch shafts except for some late model units. Late model units use pin 218472 which is designed to better protect the worm drive and augers. 218472 can be used as a substitute for 14915. 14915 was a straight 1/4" pin.

Gilson part number 218471 is now LawnBoy/Toro # 700433 and can be ordered with this link. This pin is used on late model oil bath worm drives with 1 inch shafts. This is a straight 5/16" pin with relief grooves.

Gilson part number 218472 is now LawnBoy/Toro # 700104 and can be ordered with this link. This pin was used on late model grease packed smaller worm drives with 7/8 inch shafts. This is a straight 1/4" pin with relief grooves.

Gilson Shear Pins

Collector Bearing - 1" I.D.
#14845 (700283)
These are the auger shaft bearings used on all UniTrol models, Late Model Friction Drives with 1 inch auger shafts, Gear Drive models from aproximately 1975 onward and Late Model Gear Drive units. They are part, # 14845 which became LawnBoy/Toro number 700283. This part was discontinued as a factory item many years ago. The original design is a sintered steel part (pressed metal powder & fused with heat). We have created a direct replacement with a machined high strength aluminum shell. The ductile aluminum shell will not crack at the mounting holes The shell contains an oil impreganted bronze bushing and includes a grease fitting. The shell is anodized to stand up to the environment. While we were at it we moved the grease fitting over a bit to make it easier to use. They may be used individually or in pairs. These are direct replacements requiring no modification. Save $3.00 when you buy a pair and the pair ships as 1 item for further savings. Be sure to use the pull down menu above the "Add to Cart" button to get the pair price.
OEM Version of 14845
This part is obsolete as an OEM item but we have them available as a replacement part. This item replaces Gilson part number 14845 which became LawnBoy/Toro number 700283. New mounting hardware is included.

Replacement Version of 14845
14845 as installed

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

$49.00 or 2 for $95.00
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations


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IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not confuse this item with other Gilson auger shaft bearings. If you have a parts list refer to it for the correct part number.
  • If your model has a 7/8" diameter auger shaft it uses #18074 (740680) or # 35137 (700022). Please check here for those bearings.
  • If you need the cast iron heavy duty ball and soccket version used on the early gear drive models contact me about a used replacement.

Special Washer / Auger Bearing Spacers
1088 (700281)
These washers are found between the auger bearings and the augers of the oil bath worm drive models. These are the models with the 1 inch diameter auger shafts. 2 are used at each end for a total of 4 per machine. They are Gilson # 1088 (LawnBoy/Toro # 700281) and have been discontinued as factory parts. If yours are lost, rusty, broken, distorted or otherwise damaged you can now replace them. These washers limit excess wandering of the worm drive and protect the auger bearings. They are sized to match the factory parts and are stamped from stainless steel.

This same washer is used in the felt seal system of many Gilson built roto-tillers. They can also be found listed on the Tiller Page.

$7.50 for a set of 4
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics
1088 Special Washer

1" Gear Drive Auger Shaft Bearing - Pre 1974 (used)
Gilson# 10415, LawnBoy/Toro # 704170
These 1" ID spherical bearings support the auger shaft in 1, 2, & pre-1974 3-Speed gear drive models. They consist of a good used spherical bearing #10415, and a good used extended grease fitting #3041

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10415 - 1

1" Gear Drive Auger Shaft Bearing Support - Pre 1974 (used)
Gilson# 10414, LawnBoy/Toro # 704169
These cast iron mounts support the 10415 auger bearings found above on this page. These are good used parts.Color will be random.

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10414 - 1 10414 - 1

Collector Bearing - 7/8" I.D.
35137 (700022)
These collector bearings are found on compact 2 stage models that are from 18" to 24" wide. It is part number #35137 (700022) and has been discontinued. They are for 7/8" diameter auger shafts. They are closed end and should be packed with wheel bearing grease when installed. They should be repacked every 2-5 years depending on your use pattern. Do not overtighten the bolts since these are sintered iron bearings and can crack.

These are used bearings. they have been cleaned, inspected, and come with new mounting hardware.

Other usage notes:

1) Earlier 2 stage models described above used this same bearing, except that it had a grease fitting. It was numbered #18074 (740680) and has been discontinued. The 35137 bearing can be used as a repair part for those machines when packed with grease as described.

2) Vertical shaft single stage models use collector bearing #18074 (#740680) on the right hand side. Since this is a high speed shaft the #18074 bearing with the grease fitting should be used. Contact Us if you need this part.

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35137 Collector Bearing

35137 Collector Bearing

Replacements for 2 Bolt Cast Iron Skids
10381 (703360)
These 2 slot cast iron skids were used on gear drive models through 1973. They are Gilson part number 10381 which became LawnBoy/Toro # 703360. They have have been discontinued as OEM parts. These 7 gauge steel replacement skids pictured to the right duplicate the fit and function of the original part and are direct replacements. Each pair is painted satin black and ships with fresh zinc plated hardware for use in the 2 slots. INSTRUCTIONS
10381 cast Iron Skid
Includes 4 Each: 5/16-18 X 3/4 hex head bolt with nut, washer and lock washer


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$59.50 Per Pair
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Replacements for 3 Bolt Stamped Steel Skid
13888 (700285)
These 3 bolt stamped steel skids were used on all UniTrol models and gear drive models after the cast iron skid was phased out. It is Gilson part number 13888 which is now LawnBoy/Toro # 700285 They have have been discontinued as OEM parts. These 7 gauge steel replacement skids pictured to the right duplicate the fit and function of the original part and are direct replacements. Each pair is painted satin black and ships with fresh zinc plated hardware for use in the 3 square holes. INSTRUCTIONS
Large Stamped Steel Skid
Includes 6 Each: 3/8-16 X 3/4 carriage head bolt with nut and lock washer


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$59.50 Per Pair
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Replacements for 2 Bolt Stamped Steel Skid Used on Compact Models
18006 (700053)
These 2 slot stamped steel skids were used on the compact models. They are Gilson part number 18006 which became LawnBoy/Toro # 700053. They have have been discontinued as OEM parts. We are offering a heavier than original stock 10 gauge version pictured to the right. Each pair is primed, painted satin black and ships with fresh zinc plated hardware.
OEM Small Skid
Replacement Small Skid
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$39.00 Per Pair
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Scraper / Cutter Bars 22, 26, 28 and 32 inch sizes
11584 (703375) & 10380 (700282) & 24127 (704464) & 30676 (700284)
These are replacement scraper or cutter bars for the larger 22, 26, 28 and 32 inch Gilson snowblowers. They are 1/4 inch thick with the machined bevel just like the originals. Together they cover virtually all Gear Drive, UniTrol and larger late model friction drive units. They have a satin black finish. Some sizes are still available as OEM parts and ordering links for these are provided if that is your preference.

10380 / 700282

24127 / 704464

30676 / 700284

Gilson #
LawnBoy /Toro #
Replacement Bar
OEM Link
22 inch
Not Shown
Choose Options
You will need to cut 2 inches from each end of this part. See note 1 below
26 inch
Choose Options
28 inch
Choose Options
32 inch
Choose Options
OEM part

Note 1: 11584 is a 1/4" thick scraper bar used on Early Gear Drives and UniTrol models. It is not the lighter bar used on late model single speed units such as model 55343.
Note 2: Orders containing this item may ship by ground.

Prices are Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

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Sraper Bar Bolts
10888 (146511)
These bolts replace the OEM wafer head bolts. Those discontinued bolts were Gilson # 10888 and became LawnBoy/Toro # 146511. They feature the short square shank needed in the thickness of the bucket. There is ample clearance for the rounded heads. They were used for scraper bar mounting and for mounting the friction wheel on some models. They come with nuts and lock washers all have a yellow zinc finish. Photos below show the OEM part and these replacements. Select the quantity you need. Any selection ships as one item.
10888 Replacement Version of 10888
In Stock for Immediate Shipment

$1.00 each with Nut & Lockwasher
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Drift Cutters
10382 (700284)
The drift cutter was standard on most of the Gilson Gear Drive and UniTrol models. They are replacements for Gilson part # 10382 also LawnBoy/Toro # 700284. If yours has been damaged or your model did not come with one they are now available. The drift cutter is helpful when moving high banks and drifts as it lets you twitch overhanging snow down to the ground where the machine can collect it. The drift cutter also serves as a service stand as shown below. Some users like to have one on each side. Bolt holes are 3 inches center to center.

These have been made to replicate the original part except they have been are formed from 7 gauge steel, 38% thicker than the originals. They have a cold galvanize finish and come with mounting hardware.

10382 / 700284
10382 / 700284
One Drift Cutter $28.50
Save on a Pair $49.50 (Save $9.50)

Prices are Plus Shipping to US and international destinations
How Many?

Note: Orders containing this item may ship by ground.

Solution Graphics

10382 / 700284

Chute Deflector Wing Nuts
11668 (702895)
The original die cast zinc "white metal" wing nuts were discontinued many years ago. They are Gilson # 11668 (LawnBoy/Toro # 702895). The original suppliers; Pike Manufacturing of Louisiana, Missouri and Able Manufacturing of Sugar Creek Missouri appear to be defunct and the material has been prone to breaking. I have located a source for a similar forged steel replacement with a rust resistant zinc finish.

If you have one of the square chutes that has the friction pads to control the deflector and would prefer the more positive locking lever, I offer a kit with all the hardware to convert your machine. The kit includes all of the washers and nuts used for the wing nuts and the pivot points including the originally specified short neck carriage bolts. The lock-nuts are nylon insert nuts for easy adjusting. The default kit is for the most common Full Size chutes that use 2 wing nuts. if you have a smaller machine with the locking wing nut on only one side choose the "Compact Size" option from the pulldown. These kits are also a nice way to refresh your existing hardware.

Finally, if you are a purist I have a limited supply of genuine levers that have been grit blasted clean to remove stains, paint and whatever got on them over the years.

11668 Wing Nut Applied
Replacement Lever
11668 Wing Nut replacement

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

$9.25 each
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Hardware Kits
11668 Wing Nut Hardware Kit

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

Full Size / 2 sides (all shown): $8.75 each

Compact Size / 1 side (all above the slash): $6.75 each
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Chute Style
Used Originals
11668 Original Wing Nut

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

$15.00 each
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Solution Graphics

Chute Rollers & Pins
10385 (704106) & 10386 (704167)
If you have a Gear Drive Gilson with the cast iron chute base as shown on the right it's important that you maintain the brass hold-down rollers. These rollers are mounted under the chute base and serve to hold the chute down on the ring while allowing it to rotate under load. Over time the rollers will stick and flat spots will develop. Once they begin to wear they no longer hold the chute down as designed. This can result in sloppy handling or premature ring failure. The increased vertical clearance also compromises the mesh of the pinion with the chute base ring rear resulting in pinion wear. Keep your chute in good condition by replacing these rollers if they are worn. It was Gilson part number 10385 which became LawnBoy/Toro # 704166 it is now obsolete.

We are pleased to offer these reproduction parts machined from solid brass just like your originals.

Gear Drive Chute
Roller Pins

Chute Roller Pin If your roller pins are lost, bent, broken or otherwise not suitable to use we have them. These replace Gilson part number 10386 later listed as LawnBoy/Toro # 704167. They are made from grade 9 high strength, high hex bolts and machined to match the factory parts. Lockwashers are included.

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

Buy individually or save with a set of 3
Any selection ships as 1 item.
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Gear Drive Chute Roller

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

$18.00 for a set of 3
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

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Chute Rings

These are the rings that the discharge chutes mount to. Occasionaly after hard use a ring can fail. In order to permit repair Gilson made this component of the weldment available as a service part. Installation requires grinding the remnants of the old ring away then positioning and welding the replacement to the collector discharge. These 2 rings cover all Gilsons that have ring mounted chutes on 6 inch outlets. This excludes 1969 - 1971 UniTrol models that had an alternate mounting means.

Chute Ring For pinion driven chutes with cast iron bases
10374 (704164)
Used on chutes with this style base:
(Cast Iron Pinion Drive)
Gear Drive Chute
You need this ring:
Pinion Driven Chute Ring
This part is obsolete as an OEM item but we have them available as a reproduction part. This item replaces Gilson part number 10374 which became LawnBoy/Toro number 704164. This part number will not appear in most original owner's manual parts list since it is part of the weldment. It later became available as a service part. If you are uncertain about your aplication please contact me. These chutes have 3 brass rollers below the ring. Instructions are included. Welding is required.
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Chute Ring For worm gear driven chutes
24285 (700570)
If your chute base is of the style pictured below and the mounting ring is broken you will need to replace the ring. These are 6" diameter discharge chutes, found on 3, 4, & 5 speed models.The OEM # 24285 ring has been discontinued. This part number will not appear in many original owner's manual parts list since it is part of the weldment. It later became available as a service part. If you are uncertain about your aplication please contact me.The heavy duty gear drive ring, 10374, sold above can be used as a replacement when combined with a set of these worm drive chute spacers. The spacers are designed to provide the correct clearance and bearing surface. The spacers are made from stainless steel to avoid corrosion. The optional hardware consists of stainless steel screws and lock-nuts. You can re-use the original hold-down plates. If the hold down plates are worn or damaged, new #24284 hold-downs can be ordered below. For most owners ordering the kit shown below with all of the parts will be the best solution.

The animation shows the parts going into place.The chute ring includes instructions to guide the welding step.

Worm Drive Chute Chute Spacer Animation
Chute Spacers

Set of 3 spacers
(Hardware is optional)

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This kit includes all of the parts needed to replace the chute ring on a worm driven chute. Just order the kit, you will have it all and save $3.00!

24285 Chute Ring Replacement Kit
Complete kit as Pictured
(1) 10374 ChuteRing
(3) Spacers
(3) 24285 Hold-Downs

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Chute Hold-Downs For worm driven chutes
24284 (700040)
These plates are used to retain the worm driven chutes. They are Gilson # 24284 now LawnBoy/Toro number 700040. Over the years they were installed with screws, round head rivets and even pop rivets. Plates get worn, bent or lost over the years. We have them available in corrosion resistant stainless steel. The optional hardware consists of stainless steel screws and lock-nuts.

Chute Hold Downs

Set of 3 Hold-Down Plates
(Hardware is optional)

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Hardware Options

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Chute Crank Rod Grommet Kit
31605 (702241)
Chute Crank Grommet Kit

Replacement grommet with hardware

Good Crank Rod Grommet

This is a typical grommet as installed.

The grommet is gone

This grommet has failed and fallen away

On early models the chute crank rod went through an upper guide with a close-fitting hole. in some cases, this would cause binding. Around 1974 the hole was enlarged to remove the chance of binding. This resulted in an awful rattle! My boss in the day located rubber grommets to correct the fit without binding. I began adding these as part of my new machine set-up. When our Gilson distributor saw what we were doing he sent one to the factory as a suggestion. The next year they were standard equipment.

Years of use can cut the grommet. Sometimes the lower remains can be spotted on the universal joint at the bottom of the crank rod. This kit includes a new grommet and pins to replace any you may disturb in making the installation.

In Stock for Immediate Shipment

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10-1/2 INCH IMPELLERS - Replacement For Gilson #14849 (LawnBoy/Toro #740011)
This Gilson impeller was discontinued as a factory part decades ago. Sometimes after heavy use, or an unfortunate encounter with buried debris they can get damaged beyond repair.

This impeller was used in ,3 and 4 speed UniTrols, 5 speed Late Model Friction Drives and certain Late Model Gear Drive machines.

Reproductions of these impellers are sold out, and no more are planned. I do have good replacements available from time to time. You may contact me about current options.

If the tips of your impeller blades are folded over, these replacement impeller tips have been used successfully on these impellers.

Original 14849 Impeller

11-3/4 INCH IMPELLERS - Replacement For Gilson #10408 (LawnBoy/Toro (741218)

10408 Impeller

Gilson part # 10408 (LawnBoy/Toro #741218) is the 11-3/4 inch impeller used on Gear Drives including, Early Gear Drives and 3 Speed, 28", 8HP Gear Drive machines. This Gilson impeller was discontinued as a factory part many years ago. Sometimes after heavy use or an unfortunate encounter with buried debris they can get damaged beyond repair. This has resulted in many machines being retired before their time. This parts duplicates the original part and is a direct replacement.

All components are professionally machined, laser cut, formed and welded. To ensure an even longer life we have taken most steel gauges up a notch and that was on a design that already had a legendary track record. Each impeller is mounted and spun in the working speed range to check fit, balance and run-out. They are primed and finished satin black. 2 new square head set screws are provided.

(This item is NOT PowerVane equipped, see below for the PowerVane version.)

If you have questions, please contact me

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Do you need a new Main Bearing?

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10408 (741218)
This Gilson impeller was discontinued as a factory part many years ago. Sometimes after heavy use or an unfortunate encounter with buried debris they can get damaged beyond repair. This has resulted in many machines being retired before their time.

All components are professionally machined, laser cut, formed and welded. To ensure an even longer life we have taken most steel gauges up a notch and that was on a design that already had a legendary track record. Each impeller is mounted and spun in the working speed range to check fit, balance and run-out. They are primed and finished satin black. 2 new square head set screws are provided.

10408, 11-3/4 inch Gear Drive Impeller

Gilson part # 10408 (LawnBoy/Toro #741218) is the 11-3/4 inch impeller used on Gear Drives including 1 and 2 speed Early Gear Drive and 3 speed Gear Drive models from 1966 to 1987. The actual diameter of these impellers is 11-3/4". Other than being of heavier gauge steel and the PowerVane feature this is the same as the original part.

If you have questions, please contact me


The PowerVane Impeller improves Snowblower performance by solving several problems inherent in factory designs. A Snowblower impeller is essentially a pump. When the snow is wet or even slushy it can literally be pumping. Like any pump efficiency is all about having a close sealed fit. If you study the construction of your machine you will see that the impeller is installed through an opening smaller than the chamber it works in. For this reason a considerable clearance exists. Even without this diameter shift the very nature of fabricated parts and operating under load dictates a liberal clearance. This clearance lets snow and slush bypass the impeller blades reducing the efficiency. It is impossible to avoid this in a mass produced design.

The PowerVane Impeller addresses the clearance issue. The impeller blades are fitted with heavy rubber composite extensions. The extensions are adjustable so they can be retracted during impeller installation. They are then extended to marry precisely with your impeller housing making a near perfect seal. If a stone is encountered or there is deflection under load the snow lubricated vanes absorb the interference harmlessly

The basic impellers are the replacement designs I have been selling since 2009. I have had a machine running with the blade extensions since 2013 and the performance has been impressive. These are direct replacements for the OEM parts listed.

There is excess travel in the mounting slots so the blades can be extended when wear takes place. Bolts and lock-nuts are stainless steel. Replacement blades are available.

PowerVane impeller shown retracted PowerVane impeller shown extended

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Do you need a new Main Bearing?

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13-3/4" INCH IMPELLERS - Gilson #31805 (LawnBoy/Toro #740007)
This 13-3/4" impeller was used in the 32" models. Sometimes after heavy use, or an unfortunate encounter with buried debris they can get damaged beyond repair.

This impeller was used in:

This impeller is still available as a genuine new part at this link.

If the tips of your impeller blades are folded over, these replacement impeller tips have been used successfully on these impellers.

31805 Impeller

Can you spot the error in this genuine drawing?

PowerVane Kits For installation on your existing impeller
These are the same PowerVane components used on the complete impellers sold above for installation on your existing impeller. Kits are designed to fit the Gilson 12 and 13-3/4 inch impellers. They also fit 10-1/2 inch impellers previously sold by the Gilson Snowblower Shop. Vanes are 4 inches long and include mounting slots to ease installation and permit future adjustment. This is the original slotted vane kit. With the right skills, tools and patience they can be installed in place, working through the chute port. Some may prefer to remove the chute or even the entire auger assembly to work in the open and to perform other maintenance. These kits are widely sold for use in Gilson units as well as other brands.

Vanes are 1/4 inch thick reinforced rubber. Clamp bars are of stainless steel. Bolts and lock-nuts are zinc plated steel. Instructions are included.

Using the pulldown menu, kits for 3, 5 and 6 vane impellers can also be ordered.

NOTE: PowerVanes will improve any machine by closing the edge gap. If an impeller is beginning to structurally fail, adding PowerVanes will increase the load and could hasten complete failure.

4 Vane Kit Contents
PowerVane Kit Parts
4 PowerVanes, 4 clamp bars, 16 stainless steel bolts, 16 stainless steel lock-nuts and instructions.
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Kit size
Do you need a new Main Bearing?

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Replacement Vanes for PowerVane IMPELLERS

Replacement PowerVanes
Set of 4 replacement vanes for the impellers sold above
Plus Shipping to US and International destinations (see note below!)

Impeller Tips For 12 and 13-3/4 inch Gear Drive Impellers
4 If your Gear Drive impeller had an unfortunate encounter with debris and the tips are folded over a set of these tips can be used to refurbish your otherwise sound exisiting impeller. These tips are laser cut and formed identical to the replacement impeller sold above. They are designed to self position at the top of the gusset and provide a generous overlap for strength and easy welding.

Just cut the old tips off even with the top of the gusset, straighten any remaining distortion then prep and weld. "How To" Illustration

These have also been used sucesssfully on the 10-1/2" and 8-1/4" impellers.

An impeller repaired with a set of new tips.

New tips on a Gear Drive Impeller

Set of 4 $29.00
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Do you need a new Main Bearing?

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Main Impeller Bearing & Flanges
12539 (700542) & 10416 (741219) & 12538 (700083)
This 3/4" self aligning sealed bearing with eccentric locking collar is used right behind the impeller on 1,2, 3 and 5 speed gear drive models and 3 and 4 speed UniTrol models as well as the larger 5 speed late model friction drive units. If your Gilson impeller is on a 3/4" shaft this is probably the bearing supporting the back side. They commonly require replacement when the machine is 25-30 years old depending on usage or when removed for other repairs.

12539 Impeller Bearing

The part is 1 bearing and 1 locking collar. I have used two in the picture to illustrate the features.

In some cases the bearing and collar is listed as #12539 / 700542 "bearing".

In other cases it is listed as #10416 / 741219 "bearing asssembly" This is the bearing and collar plus the 2 mounting flanges.

When listed seperately the locking collar is #1426 / 701658.

More often than not there is not enough space to safely pull this bearing out when making a repair and it gets destroyed in the process. It's best to plan on replacing it whenever it gets disturbed.

Details for servicing this bearing can be found here.

If your flanges (12538 / 700083) have been damaged they can be ordered below.

Used fafnir Flange
Select 1 or 2 flanges, only 1 shipping charge applies.
(Bearing & Ecentric Locking Collar)
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Oil Bath Auger Worm Drive Information
Larger Gilson snowblowers feature an oil bath worm drive to power the augers. The case is approximately ½ filled with oil. As the worm wheel rotates, it comes around freshly bathed in oil. This assures constant protective lubrication and a long life. If seals and the oil level are maintained failure is almost unheard of. As these machines age the seals are getting crispy and overhaul should be planned during a major service or if oil leakage is observed. Inspecting periodically that oil is level to the small inspection plug in the front is cheap and easy insurance. Needed parts will be found below.

This case is a simplified version of the legendary Gilson Iron Heart worm drive made famous in their roto-tillers. The input and worm gear are supported by ¾" tapered roller bearings. They are adjusted with the castellated plug in the front set to one notch back from being fully seated. Normally this requires no attention.

Early models were of cast iron construction with auger shaft and input bushings. In the mid 1970's the case was changed to die cast aluminum construction with the auger shaft and input being machined journals in the casting. Nearly all internal parts are common to both designs.

These cases contain SAE 30 oil and are filled level to the small square inspection plug in the front of the drive. If available, use a non-detergent SAE 30 oil. This oil specification only applies to the snowblowers, NOT the roto-tillers. There is a larger plug higher up on the case that incorporates an air vent to protect the seals.



Seal Set for Cast Iron Oil Bath Worm Drives
16753 (742179)
This seal set is for the oil bath worm drives with 3 bolt cast iron housings, see the pictures above. These components match the original Gilson seal kit number 16753.

These seals and gaskets were also used in many Gilson tillers, consult your parts list or visit my Gilson Tiller Parts page .

Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro# 700414) Auger Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1117, (LawnBoy/Toro# 700413) Input/Impeller Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro# 700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #6112, (LawnBoy/Toro# 703287) Case Cover Gasket
(3) Gilson #6113, (LawnBoy/Toro# 703288) Case Cover Shim Gaskets
(1) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin (Not Shown)

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Cast Iron Oil bath worm drive seal kit

Seal Set for Aluminum Oil Bath Worm Drives
32867 (742387)
This seal set is for the oil bath worm drives with 5 bolt die cast aluminum housings, see the pictures above. These components match the original Gilson seal kit number 32867. The largest O-ring fits into a contoured groove that follows the shape of the case.

Replacements for:
(2) Gilson #1054, (LawnBoy/Toro# 700414) Auger Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1117, (LawnBoy/Toro# 700413) Input/Impeller Shaft Seal
(1) Gilson #1057, (LawnBoy/Toro# 700411) Adjusting Plug Seal
(1) Gilson #31962, (LawnBoy/Toro# 700407) Case Cover Seal
(1) Gilson #70721, (LawnBoy/Toro# 146374) Cotter Pin (Not Shown)

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Solution Graphics
Aluminum Oil bath worm drive seal kit

Oil Bath Worm Drive Gasket Set
6112 (703287) & 6113 (703288)
These are gasket sets for cast iron worm drives. Gaskets are sold in sets of one regular gasket and 3 shim gaskets. You will need to use between zero and 3 shim gaskets depending on the tolerance of your parts. The regular gasket was Gilson #6112 (LawnBoy/Toro #703287). The shim gaskets were Gilson #6113 (LawnBoy/Toro #703288) These gaskets have been discontinued as OEM parts. We have had them reproduced based on previously acquired genuine factory parts and they are a pefect match.

This same gasket set is used on many Gilson tillers.

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Worm Drive Gasket Set

Adjusting Plug # 1014 (700409)
Adjusting Plug Tool#plugtool
Plug Tool
The worm drive adjusting plug is a cast iron part. If you try to adjust, remove or install it by driving it with a hammer and punch there is a good chance that you will break it. Don't break the adjusting plug. The tool depicted in these pictures can be made from scrap steel in about 5 minutes.

If you are reading this too late, a good used replacement can be ordered below.

$23.50 - Plug Only
$25.00 with #1057 O-ring Seal
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations

Seal Option
Plug Tool iIn Use

Worm Wheel for Full Size Oil Bath Worm Drive- USED
10398 (700421)
Worm Wheel 10398 (700421)

Worm Wheel #10398

These 21 tooth worm wheels are used in the full sized oil bath auger worm drives. For reference this gear has an inside diameter of 1", outside diameter of 2-31/32" and is 7/8" thick. These are used gears removed from retired units. They show no apparent wear but may be oil stained. On request I will provide pictures of the gear to be shipped prior to ordering. This gear was discontinued as a factory part many years ago.

This gear will not work in a roto-tiller. For roto-tiller worm wheels see here.

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1" Worm Wheel Shaft Key
70816 (700423)
This key is used in mounting 1" bore worm wheels. Some early diagrams did not use a part number but called the key out as "1/4" X 7/8" Woodruff Key, Heat Treated".

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70816 Key

3453, (700415) Special Washer
This washer is used alongside the worm wheel in oil bath snowblower worm drives. They fit on the 1" auger shafts. The outside diameter is 2" These are used parts that are flat and not scored. They have been blasted clean.

They also have garden tiller applicatons.

$4.00 each
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PayPal Payment Options Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover

Also available as a new part at this link.
3453 Special Washer

1" Retaining Ring
1043 (700410)
This retaining ring is used adjacent to the 1" bore worm wheels show above.

This same retaining ring is used in Gilson snowblowers with #10398 1" bore worm wheels.

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1043 1

Worm Wheel for Full Size Oil Bath Worm Drive- USED
10397 (700420)
Worm Gear 10397 (700420)

Worm Gear #10397

This worm gear is used in the full sized oil bath auger worm drives. These are used gears removed from retired units. They show no apparent wear but may be oil stained. If your gear is pitted or rusted from moisture in the gear case you want to replace the worm gear so it does not ruin the softer sacrificial worm wheel.

This gear will not work in a roto-tiller.

If you prefer a new factory part it can be ordered with this link.

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Input Bushing for Cast Iron Oil Bath Worm Drives
1024 (703207)
This bushing is used at the input of cast iron oil bath worm drives of Gilson snowblowers. with Be sure to check your part numbers before ordering.

This same bushing is used in Gilson tillers with cast iron oil bath worm drives.

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1024 Worm Drive Input Bushing

Input Bushing for Die Cast Aluminum Oil Bath Worm Drives
2283 (700441)
This bushing is used at the input of die cast aluminum oil bath worm drives of Gilson snowblowers. Be sure to check your part numbers before ordering.
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2283 Worm Drive Input Bushing

3/4" Worm Gear Bearings
Bearing / Cone 1140 (700417)
Race / Cup 1044 (700418)
These bearings support the steel worm gear on the input shaft of Gilson snowblowers with oil bath worm drives. The set includes 2 bearings and 2 races.

These same bearings are used in Gilson tillers with cast iron oil bath worm drives.

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3/4 inch Worm Gear Bearings

6824 (700416) Worm Spacer
Original 6824 Worm Spacers
These spacers are used on each end of the steel worm gear in many oil bath worm drive models. Some original parts have 4 slits in the ID which are artifacts of the stamping process. This part replaces all versions. The bottom sides are all flat.

$14.75 Each
$28.00 Per Pair
Plus Shipping to US and international destinations
Either selection ships as 1 item


PayPal Payment Options Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover

6824 Worm Spacer

Replacement Part

3/4" Retaining Ring
1042 (700097)
This retaining ring is used in front of the steel worm gear. It is also found in other applications.

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1042 3/4

3/16 X 5/8 Hypro Key
70822 (700424)
This key is a replacement for what is descibed in the illustrated parts list as "Hypro Key 3/16 X 5/8. They were commonly used on the blower drive pulley and in some snowblower and rototiller worm drives. There may be applications elsewhere in the Gilson product line.

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Hypro Key

Hypro Key
3886 (703267)
This Hypro Key is 1-1/4" long. It is listed as # 3886 and LawnBoy/Toro # 703267. They have been discontinued as a factory parts so we commissioned a special run of this custom size. They are known to be used in the 2 speed gear drive shifter and on gear drive impellers. There may be applications elsewhere in the Gilson product line.
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Use the pull-down to select 1,2 or 3 keys and they will ship as a single item.
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Hypro Key

Grease Packed Auger Worm Drive Information
Compact and Mid range Gilson and Gilson built snowblowers utilized several versions of a grease packed worm drive to power the augers. The photos to the right illustrate the 2 versions of these cases. In all but the latest model Gilsons these are found only on the single speed friction drive machines.

Early and late model cases used 2 steel stampings and bushing inserts to provide shaft support and guidance. (pictured top to the right) As primitive as these seemed compared to the die-cast version they held up better. After a number of years the die cast case design was retired and late model intermediate Gilsons into the late 1980s utilized this circa 1971 steel stampin design. These cases are bolted together and are easy to service. Late mode versions included a grease fitting down in the front. Use the fitting and give the gears some grease annually, 5-10 shots. This will insure against the gears creating a dry cavity in the grease and going without lubrication.

Mid year machines featured a "new and improved" die cast gear case. For reasons possibly attributable to internal play or the cantelivered worm gear had poor gear life. (pictured bottom to the right) These cases are riveted together at the factory. For servicing, the rivets can be drilled out. Reassembly can be done with bolts and lock-nuts. Maximum endplay for the input shaft is .060 inches. Add internal spacer washers to reduce this if needed. A Phillips head plug on the side of the gearcase allows the addition of grease. If you can inject some fresh grease every year or 2 this will help insure against the gears creating a dry cavity in the grease and going without lubrication.

In each version the common failure part is the sacrificial bronze worm wheel. In addition to being sacrificial bronze has desirable wear and cooling properties, especially in the original roto-tiller application. This is the #18116 worm wheel found below.

One contributor to failures is grease aging. Over time the oil content of grease will separate from the viscous material leaving it with the consistency of dried soap. The oil slowly weeps out through the gaskets and parting lines of the case. Remember that the newest of these units is now 3 decades old and some are over 45! Repack the gear case with 1/2 pint of NLGI Grade 2 Lithium Base EP Grease. The case is hand packed during rebuild. Repacking any of these vintage gear cases prior to failure is a worthwhile project at this point. Also see this service bulletin.

Steel stamping gearcase

Die cast gear case

Worm Wheel for Compact Grease Packed Worm Drive
18116 (700130)
Worm Wheel 18116 (700130)

Worm Wheel #18116

This 20-tooth bronze worm wheel is used in the auger worm drives of compact grese packed worm drive models. For reference this 20 tooth gear has an inside diameter of 7/8", outside diameter of 1-7/8" and is 1/2" thick. They are made by an OEM supplier to the original specifications.

A partial list of aplicable models includes: SB 4 , GIL 470 A, GIL 470 B, GIL 470 C4, GIL 470 C5, GIL 474 A, GIL 474 B, GIL 478 E5, GIL 478 F, 1840, 1840 A, 1840 3253, 37 4254, 37 4255, 5008, CG 5024, 09GN 5142, "09GN 523 (1983), " "09GN 523 (1984-85), " 09GN 5323, CG 7024, GIS 7500 A08, GIS 7500 A97, 4XC 7500 A77, 4XC 7500 A87, GIS 7506 A18, GIL 35211 A, GIL 35211 B, GIL 35212 A, GIL 35261 A, GIL 35261 B, 55008 Q, 55008 X, 55008 Y, 55013, 55020, 55037, 55065, 55066, 55078, 55078 A, 55092, 55092 A, 55132, 55142, 55204, 55204 A, 55209, 55242, 55323, 55323Z, 55323B, 55333, 55333 A, 55342, 55343, 55350, 55351, 202114 and many more.

This gear will not work in a roto-tiller. For roto-tiller worm wheels see here.

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Parts for Die Cast Aluminum Grease Packed Worm Drives
Exploded View

Exploded View of Die Cast Aluminum Worm Drive

1) The original grease seals "P" are double lip seals. They have become an obscure seal available only in a specialty material and are prohibitive in price. The seal manufacturer has designated a single lip seal as the replacement and that seal is provided. The housing is 1/16" thinner. The OEM part is listed below in the OEM section.

2) Rivets 'Q & R" are removed by drilling the washer side to release the washer. They are replaced with the stainless steel bolt set offered below.

3) Screw and sealing washer "M" & "U" can be replaced with local hardware if needed.

4) Parts not referenced are not available.

5) The complete gearcase is not available

6) The internal parts are not 100% compatible with the similar Gilson Compact Tiller gearcase. Confirm part numbers.

7) Diagram and reference letters are for general information. Consult your machine documentation to be certain. There were several different assemblies of this general design.

10) Grease input shaft at bearngs "H"

11) End play of the input shaft is adjusted to be no more than .060" by using 1 or 2 thrust races at location "E2".

12) Align gusset in bushing "H" with cut-outs in housings.

13) Maximum input shaft torque after assembly must be no more than 8 inch pounds

Service Kit Parts

Die Case Worm Drive Parts

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Service Kit

Replacements for the following parts are included:

P Seal (Auger Shaft) (See note 1) 2 18083 700123
N Retaining Ring 1 9784 700116
S Woodruff Key 2 70807 700137
K Ball 1 33595 701023
G Grooved Dowel Pin 1 33605 701024
E1 & E2 Thrust Race 3 18744 700126
T Thrust Bearing 1 33589 701021
L Input O-Ring Seal 1 33588 701020
Q Rivet (See note 2) 10 33593 701022
R Washer (See note 2) 10 17002 146490
Components for Die Cast Aluminum Worm Drives À la carte
Gilson #18083
Auger Shaft Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #700123)

18083 Lip Seal


Gilson #9784
Worm Wheel Retaining Ring
(LawnBoy/Toro #700116)

Worm Wheel Retaining Ringl


Gilson #70807
Woodruff Keys (2)
(LawnBoy/Toro #700137)

70807 Woodruff Key

Click Here

Worm Wheel


Click Here

Gilson #33595
(LawnBoy/Toro #701023)



Gilson #33605
Grooved Dowel Pin
(LawnBoy/Toro #701024)

Grooved Dowel Pin


Gilson #18744
Thrust Race
(LawnBoy/Toro #700126)

Thrust Race


Gilson #33589
Thrust Bearing
(LawnBoy/Toro #701021)

Thrust Bearing


Gilson #33471
Flange bearing
(LawnBoy/Toro #701013)

Input Shaft Flanged bearing 33471

Click Here

"Q & R"
10 Bolt Kit
(Replaces Rivets)

Case Bolt Kit


Worm Wheel


Click Here

Gilson #33588
Input O-Ring Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #701020)

Input O-Ring Seal



"O" (OEM) Thrust Washer 24547 (701012)

33471 (701013) Die Cast Worm Drive Bushing Kit
Original 33471 Impeller shaft Bearings
These bushings are used in the die cast worm drive housings to support the worm/impeller/input shaft. The original part includes a gusset at the flange that keeps the bushing from rotating in the housing. The replacement comes with Loctite formulated to work with oily parts to prevent rotation. Make sure the contact surfaces of your housing are clean and don't let the loctite bond to the shaft. The material is standard SAE 841 Oil-Impregnated Powdered Bronze sized slightly longer for more bearing surface. They are sold in pairs and come with a tube of Loctite.

This part is also used in the 90 degree auger drive case of the vertical shaft, single stage models.

This part is not confirmed as a replacement for # 36042 (704799) used in a very similar compact tiller worm drive.

$30.50 per set
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PayPal Payment Options Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover

33471 Worm Input Shaft bearngs

Replacement Part

Parts for Stamped Steel Grease Packed Worm Drives
Exploded View

Exploded View of Stamped Steel Worm Drive

1) Unreferenced parts are not available

2) The complete gearcase is not available

3) Diagram and reference letters are for general information. Consult your machine documentation to be certain. There were several different assemblies of this general design.

Service Kit Parts

Stamped Steel Case Worm Drive Parts

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Service Kit

Replacements for the following parts are included:

M Seal (Auger Shaft) (See note 1) 2 18083 700123
K Retaining Ring 1 9784 700116
R Woodruff Key 2 70807 700137
G O-Ring 2 18080 701022
Q Roll Pin 1 70768 700125
N Thrust Race 1 18744 700126
Components for Stamped Steel Grease Packed Worm Drives À la carte
Gilson #18083
Auger Shaft Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #700123)

18083 Lip Seal


Gilson #9784
Worm Wheel Retaining Ring
(LawnBoy/Toro #700116)

Worm Wheel Retaining Ringl


Gilson #70807
Woodruff Keys (2)
(LawnBoy/Toro #700137)

70807 Woodruff Key

Click Here

Worm Wheel


Click Here

Gilson #70768
Roll Pin
(LawnBoy/Toro #700125)

Grooved Dowel Pin


Gilson #18080
Worm Wheel Shaft Bearing O-Ring Seal
(LawnBoy/Toro #700122)

Thrust Race

$1.50 (pair)

Gilson #18744
Thrust Race
(LawnBoy/Toro #700126)

Thrust Race


"A" Gear case Half (RH) 18024 (700134)
"B" Washer 13235 (146422)
"E" Bearing, Worm Wheel Shaft 18113 (700132)
"L" Gasket 18081 (700131)
"O" Washer, Output Shaft 10515 (700120)

Auger Shaft Woodruff Key for 7/8" Shafts
70807 (700137)
These keys are used in pairs for mounting 7/8" bore worm wheels. For reference they are 1/8" X 1/2", heat treated woodruff keys. Use them with snowblower worm wheel 18116.

This same key is used in Gilson compact tillers with #36009, 33473, 7/8" bore worm wheels.

$1.00 per pair
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70807 Key

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Created September 2002 **** March 21, 2023